chapter 3

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Aleksandr pov

I studied the map, if I were to -. The tent was suddenly opened to reveal Ivan with the report of the two supposed summoners.

"They are awake General, how would you like them handled?" I needed to see the girls summon the light themselves to prove to everyone that they are real. After, I would claim them, make sure they trust me and are willing to help me.

"Gather all the grisha into the main tent then bring the girls in together." I gathered myself and strode out the tent before any objections or questions could follow. I sat myself on the throne like chair in the tent, the grisha were gathered and waiting however witnesses if the first army were also present. We all waited to see the fate of Ravka change.
(The tent is the same from the TV show)

The first was led in and all eyes snapped to her, she was a half Shu girl with the Shu hair and facial structure. She was pretty but dressed in the uniform of a cartographer. She looked around, obviously scared being surrounded by grisha on all sides.

The second one was then led in and my breath caught in my throat. She was held like a prisoner but kept her head held high, shoulders back and chin up. Everyone's eyes had also shifted to her, she held beauty even with a bandaged left arm and in the unflattering army uniform.

Both girls were positioned next to eachother in front of my chair. I stood up tall to survey them and everyone from the raised Dias where the chair sat.

They were released two feet away, the Sue girl stumbled and the Suli girl straightened herself and looked me in the eye, no fear evedent in her eyes. "Well?" I questioned, eegar to find out who they were.

"Well, what? Sir" Was the Sue girls reply, she couldn't be more than 19. The word "Sir" seemed like an after thought, interesting. "What are you?" I wanted to see how each one of them would reply.

"Alina Starkov, Assistant Cartographer, Royal Corps of Surveyors." It was her answer but the girl who hadn't taken her eyes off of me also replied a few seconds later. "Esmeray Starkov, Top ranked Tracker of the First Army, The Hunter of Many."

Ahhh, so they were sisters, well half sisters by the look of it. Very different from eachother, the Sun and Moon. Which one would come out on top? That was the real question. How to get them to trust me, that would be an issue. Let's see how far I could push them.

"Answere the question, What are you?" I raised my left eyebrow Anand walked closer to them. "A mapmaker, sir." Alina Starkov said with incredulity causing the room to laugh quietly even Esmeray Starkov rolled her eyes at her sister.

I then decided to address the rest of the tent to see who had seen what had happened even though I already knew who had. "Zoya, you manned the main sail." Zoya was one of my most trusted squallers who vied for my attention and tried to impress me when she could. It was a very useful thing, to decide who would occupy each rank based on how much I liked them. It inspired an edge to prove one's self and feed me as much information as possible.

"We were attacked barely two markers in. Someone was stupid lit up a lamp."
"And?" I encouraged, never taking my eyes off the two girls.
"The volcra went after the rifleman and inferni first. Then there were two searing lights, one yellow and the other silvery blue." She was cut off by a first army soldier shouting that it was the two girls.

"Is it true, can you two summon light?" They were both silent is the dead. Alina had her head bowed but Esmeray still held her head high, looking me in the eyes. Her's were like two full moons, they almost shone in the dark tent with my eclipse symbol embroidered into every piece of cloth including banners whach were either side of me.

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