chapter 4

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Esmeray's Pov:

I looked up at the General, his dark eyes were challenging and questioning. However I also saw the cunning, he was not only powerful but also smart and resourceful. A very dangerous combination. My sister looked scared beside me and I couldn't blame her, she had been separated from her best friend and didn't understand what was going on.

I had, on the other hand, always subconsciously known I was Grisha. I could always feel something laying just beneath the surface however when it had come time for testing me and Mal had gotten into a figh which causes me a cut on my cheek.

"Where did you grow up?" Before I had even a second Alina answered, "Keramzi". The General carried on with his interigation, for saints sake.

"And when were you two tested?" Neither of us answered his question, we both knew that we would have to admit to not being tested at some point but no yet. "You don't remember? Well let us just make certain."

He approached Alina first, he took off his ring with a sharp metal talon at the end and dragged it along her forearm and light shot up fron where blood should have been spilt.

Everyone stared in awe, it was beautiful but it felt wrong to me, the light almost burnt my skin where it shone.

As soon as the Darkling removed the ring, the light vanished and Alina stumbled back in shock.
Ahhh, must have been one hell of a powerful amplifier. "Well mis Starkov, seems as if you can summon sunlight," he then turned to me, something in his eyes was different and I couldn't quite place it.

"Miss Starkov, please lift the slave of your shirt." I obliged knowing that if I didn't that he would do it by force, even obeying, I did not subvert me eyes, did not lower my chin or allow my posture to change.
The General stepped in front of me, close, close enough to feel his breath on my neck.

He then raised the amplifier again and cut a small piece of my skin in the same place he did my sister however unlike her, my magic didn't shoot straight up in a beam. It flowed like water and drowned the room in silver light.

It felt like bliss and the pressure under my skin eased, the General looked at me and saw my small smile and something in his eyes changed again. They suddenly seemed less black and more of a dark rich brown.

Unlike Alina when the amplifier was removed, the light didn't disappear. No, it continued to flow and wash the world in light before pulling itself back into my slowly and gently.

I looked around the room for the first time and saw how everyone the light touched seemed to still glow slightly. That looked in awe at their skin and back up at me, the Darkling stepped back to survey me and my sister properly, "The sun and moon summoners", it escaped on an almost inaudible breath. We were lead out to our indervidual tents to change into some spare keftas.

They would take us to the Little palace, what would it be like? Would it be the same as always, would I be pushed aside by my sister? It is as they say, the sun is the brightest star. Would I always be outshone and would I be able to accept it?

I sat on the cot until we were brought to the carriages, one for the Darkling and the other for the lesser Grisha. My sister got in first but before I could one of the horses caught me attention. It was a gorgeous black stallion, I walked over slowly, allowed him to sniff my hand before he began to nuzle it.

I couldn't help a little giggle, I had always found animals more trustworthy than people ever were. I stayed like that for a few minutes, giving the horse some fuss until I felt a presence at my back a second before it spoke,

"I see you have met my personal horse, he is a beauty but I am surprised that he would let you touch him. He has been trained to be loyal to me alone."

Before even thinking the words just slipped out of my mouth, "Well mabey your horse handler should have done a better job at it." As soon as I had realized what had come out of my mouth, I tensed up but what I did not expect was his deep laughter.

He stood beside me and petted the horse as well, "You are right, but now it is about time we depart. You should make you way to your sister." I looked at him for a second and quietly walked back to the coach and got inside.

I sat next to my sister and two heartrenders were on the other side. One a little older than the other and the young one smiled as the carriage began to move.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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