|⚔︎|-| II |-| IX & X |

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- II | IX -
( Blackwater )


| SEA |

Baratheon soldiers prepare for battle as drums are being played as if to inspire them. Aston is standing on the front of the ship with his crew.

ASTON: "You guys ready?"

IVAR: "As ready as we'll ever be."

ASTRID: "Let's kiss some royal Lannister ass."

YURI: "I like the sound of that."

BARRISTAN: "You know what? So do I."

They all share a smile and group hug.

ASTON: "Remember our words."

They all say in unison.

"There cannot be peace without, first, a great suffering. The greater the suffering, the greater the peace."

The men on Aston's ship scramble as they all prepare for their ground attack. Aston and his crew were tasked with being the first wave of ground attacks on King's Landing soldiers by King Stannis Baratheon. He understood the risks and he needed his men to understand them as well.

ASTON: "Listen Soldiers! We are about to embark on something that will change the course of our very lives and the lives for generations to come! We are about to take down the power that has had an evil hold on us! Our names will be etched into the history books of freedom! We are the ones to free the world of Lannisters! We will rise victorious on the walls of the red keep and chant as our king takes his rightful place on the Iron Throne! Let's fight as one! Let's fight as brothers and sisters!"

The men on Aston's ship cheer loudly, Stannis and Davos look over from their ships as Aston can be seen throwing his hand and sword in the air while standing on the front boards of the ship.


They arrive to their destination, no enemy ships are in sight only a lone ship sailing slowly towards the fleet.

YURI: "Where are their ships?"

ASTRID: "Maybe it was a good idea attacking at night."

IVAR: "Everyone knows it's a good idea, including them."

BARRISTAN: "So then, where are their ships?"

ASTON: "It's a scheme... classic Tyrion."

ASTRID: "What do you mean?"


And with that the trail of wildfire is ignited and fire ravages the fleet, men burning to death and ships exploding. The dark sea is full of green flames and the screams of men.


Wildfire finds its way to Aston's ship, his armor is lit on fire. The crew desperately try to help him take the armor off to defuse the fire while a few other men on board deal with it as well. Aston's armor is off and the fire lingers to his left arm, it burns the cloth of his undershirt and onto his skin. Barristan grabs a bucket of water and splashes his arm, the fire is out and so is the fire on board. Aston groans in pain as Yuri wraps his bloody burnt arm.

(COMPLETED) GOT - | ICE AND FIRE | (Daenerys Targaryen x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now