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Lexi looked at the variety of fruits on the stall. They were safe from Ultron for now. She looked around the small stalls, wondering what their next move was. They were out of Ultron's strings, free from him. But knowing his plan to destroy everything and everyone, they didn't know what they were going to do. Would the Avengers give them a second chance? Even though the three of them held grudges against them. She snapped out of her gaze of the oranges when she felt someone gently slapping her arm. She turned around looking at the twins as they watched a small television.

"What is it?" She asked and looked at the both of them. Captured by the television. She frowned until she saw Ultron and Captain America fighting on a large container lorry. They all looked at each other, they knew there next mission already. To help the Avengers and put a stop to Ultron.

They looked around from where they were standing and looked at the image on the television screen. They weren't that far away.

"This is going to be my first time" Pietro said. Lexi looked at Wanda in confusion, until Wanda was picked up by her brother.

"Jump on my back, Lexi" Lexi looked at him and frowned. She did what he said and jumped onto his back

"Can you run with both of us?" Lexi asked

"I can try. You two are as light as a feather, kind of" Pietro added in before trying to his best to run. He had to take several stops until he managed to get onto the train. He put the girls in the next carriage before running into the next one knocking Ultron.

Lexi and Wanda walked into the carriage. Wanda quickly used her telekinesis on the shelves bringing them as a blockade for Ultron.

"Please, don't do this" Ultron begged

Wanda looked at him her hands glowing red

"What choice do we have?" she asked. Ultron sighed and quickly shot fire towards Pietro but he managed to block it. Lexi quickly made a hand gesture blowing some of Ultron's back off. But he escaped out of the train. 

The three of them looked around seeing panicked people.

"I lost him, he got away!" Rogers shouted before going to the front of the train. 

"Is everyone okay?" Lexi asked, people just nodded and kept to themselves. Pietro turned around and noticed something in the distance

"I think everyone should hold on" He said. Lexi frowned and walked towards Pietro seeing the end of the rail line.

"Good point. Everyone hold on tight. Please" she said watching as everyone tried to hold on the best they could. The train rumbled as it came off the rail line and crashed through everything.

"Civilians in our path" Rogers looked at Pietro

"Take me to the end of the road, I can put up a shield" She said to Pietro. He nodded and grabbed Lexi and quickly dashed off the train. He quickly ran towards the end  of the road, put Lexi down and dashed off to move people out the way.

"Okay, you can do this. It is just an incoming train" She said to herself. She built up the power in her body and released it causing a telekinetic force to hit the train, hopefully slowing it down. It started to slow down, but it wasn't enough. She looked at the train and put her hands up, trying to stop it from colliding with the public, the street and herself. She pushed herself harder to stop the train until it managed to slow down. She sighed in relief and watched as the public quickly left the train. She noticed Wanda rushing over Pietro. She nodded at Rogers as a thanks to not killing her or the twins. She walked over to them.

"Is everyone okay?" she asked them. Pietro was gasping for breath, while Wanda comforted her brother

"I'm fine, I just need a minute" he said before sitting down.

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