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  An arm slung around her body. She slowly opened her eyes from awaking from her sleep. She looked down seeing an arm slung around her body. She turned her head seeing Pietro, fast asleep, beside her. Naked. Slowly lifting the white sheets, they were both naked. A smile crept across her face. She remembered everything. The date. The closing of the door. The non stop making out. The biting of the lip, like he promise. Clothes flying everywhere, landing on the floor, a messy sweaty bed, kisses everywhere, arms and legs entangled everywhere, moans escaping their mouths, pleasure washing over their body.
She couldn't help but smile. The man she was supposed to be with all this long, was with her. Naked. In her bed. She placed her hand on his stubbly cheek, stroking it softly. He was snoring softly, meaning he was in a deep sleep. It was a dream become reality. But someone felt strange. She didn't know what exactly, but something was wrong. But not with her or Pietro. She felt someone watching her. She knew someone was watching her. Someone was in the room.
Slowly turning her head to the end of the bed, a black figure stood, watching them. She pulled the covers up a little bit more so there was less exposed skin. The figure started to move closer to her. She held her breath a little, but it escaped, as she sighed in relief.
"Don't scare me like that" she told the figure
"Why didn't you sense it was me?" the black figure spoke softly
"Well, I guess my emotions and senses are all over the place after last night" she turned her head to Pietro and looked back at the figure. She could sense it all now.
"It's started hasn't it?" she asked
"Yes. You must return home Lexi. Pandora is under attack" Lexi nodded and motioned for the figure to turn around. She quickly grabbed some underwear, quickly sliding them on, trying not to wake Pietro up from his sleeping beauty sleep. She then slipped on her cat suit and took the figure's hand as they teleported out of the room...

"Pietro, calm down, she could of just popped out" Steve explained to the pacing man with white hair. All the Avengers and Agents where in the large room where the new team of Avengers was formed.
"She has been gone for hours, and if she would of just popped out, she would of told me at least" He explained, in a rushed European Accent.
"Okay, Pietro, calm down. What was the last thing you two did, or said, it might give us a clue, how did she act?" Wanda asked, concerned for her brother and probably future sister in law.
"I took her out on a date, she told me everything, where she came from, all that. Then we came back and..."
"And?" Steve asked raising his eyebrow
"And we had sex, she was happy, nothing concerning" He explained, watching their faces. Tasha's a little more concerning. She never liked Lexi.
"Okay, maybe she has gone home. SHIELD and the Academy allows her to do that" Steve explained.
"She didn't mention anything. Someone is wrong, and I am going to find her-"
Lexi suddenly teleported into the room. A cut lip, a cut cheek, sweaty and dirty. Pietro ran over to her and helped her up before she collapsed to the floor of exhaustion.
"Lexi! What happened?" he asked stroking her other cheek. The rest of the team ran towards her concerned.
"I need your help. Pandora is under attack" she explained holding onto her side. She hissed in pain, as swore she must of broken a rib or two. Pietro led her to a chair and sat her down. He ran out of the room and returned with a cup of water.
"Drink" he demanded, watching her slowly sip on the cool liquid.
"Start from the beginning" Steve asked. Lexi sighed and nodded leaning back in the chair.
"I was woken up by a figure in my room this morning, the figure who happened to be my mother-"
"Wait your mother, she didn't see anything did she?" Pietro asked a little wide eyed. Lexi smiled, giving out a little laugh
"She isn't bothered about that right now Pietro. She told me Pandora is under attack. My home. So I got ready and left, I knew if I said anything, all of you would probably want to help, especially the twins, probably more Pietro. I arrived in Pandora, it looks like hell. The village is on fire, the villagers have either escaped and ran somewhere else, gone to the evacuation shelter, or they were killed. The King and Queen are fighting, since that is what they believe, they fight for their world, even if they were a crown. Everyone is fighting, and if you aren't fighting, you are either running away, being captured or you are already dead" She explained taking another sip of the liquid
"Who is causing this war?" Sam asked crossing his arms
"Vashan. He lives in our world. He holds the power of dark and black magic. The reason? He wants to gain all the power of the elements. Fire, water, earth and air. They are the most powerful abilities in the world, well, where we live. They keep everything together, like a jig saw puzzle. He is targeting people who are an element, as well as people with other abilities, like telekinesis and invisibility. He will kill anyone else who doesn't exactly have interesting powers like empathy. So everyone is basically stuffed"
"How many people have powers?" The vision stood forward. Lexi looked at him and sighed.
"Pandora is a world full of magic, so everyone has a power or two. It all depends on your personality. At the age of sixteen, you gain an ability, it depends on your personality and also your zodiac sign, then when you are eighteen, you gain another. And you will gain the element power whenever you deserve it. I was given it when I was eighteen as well, as well as my several other abilities. We realised we couldn't take him on. He is getting powerful. The king and queen asked for your help. I know my mother isn't exactly fond of you lot, but she will do anything to make sure Pandora is still alive"
"You got that damn right" Everyone turned around, seeing a woman with flawless skin, and long brown hair standing in the room, sweaty, dirty and a few cuts on her clothes.
"Taking your time?" she asked Lexi. She stood from up the chair and walked over to the woman.
"This is my mother. Crystal Sirena aka Mother Nature" she introduced her mother.
"Crystal?" Everyone snapped their heads to the manly voice in the door way. Coulson. Lexi looked confused at what was happening.
"What is he doing here?" Crystal asked, glaring at the man who left her.
"He needed some healing time" Steve told them. Lexi turned her head to her mother who suddenly launched at her father. Lexi managed to grab her in time.
"Mum! This isn't the time, we need to go to Pandora, now!" she shouted at her mother. Crystal sighed and nodded standing up straight.
"You are right, he isn't my concern anymore. We need to go to Pandora, are they coming?" Crystal motioned to the team. They all looked at each other and then looked at Steve, like he was the boss.
"Lead the way"  

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