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  "Ready to die, again?" Lexi asked her father. She smirked as he stayed tied to the chair. "Now, I won't kill you yet, simply because I want you to feel how my mother felt when you chose SHIELD over your own partner and soon to be daughter, and then you are going to feel how I felt, hearing this" she smiled and walked over to a container filled with weapons. She picked out some silver knuckles, sliding them onto her own hand, and turning around to face him.
"First, a classic" she smirked and swung her arm towards his face, the metal colliding with his jaw. Once she had hit him, she stood up straight smirking. Blood poured out of his mouth, maybe a few broken or missing teeth? He groaned in pain, making Lexi smirked even more. This was the pain her mother felt, she couldn't rip out his heart, but she could beat him to a pulp, it was the nearest solution.
"You don't have to do this Lexi" He spat out blood on the floor, looking at his daughter who just punched him square in the jaw.
"Actually, I do have to do this. Now, next weapon, you are going to choose" she removed the knuckles off her own, placing them back in the box. She laid out the weapons. A few small hand guns, and some blades.
"So a bullet or a blade? Your pick"
"I would rather not have any if we are being honest" he said. Rolling her eyes at her father, she grabbed a small army knife, cleaning it with a cloth so the blade would shine even being covered in blood.
"At this rate, I would rather have the bullet" Coulson said, looking at his daughter who looked like the scene from the movie Shining.
"Too late" she smiled walking towards him, she stood in front of him, while her team stood watched, like they were in the middle of a 4D action movie, or horror. "This is what it felt like when you broke my mums heart. She felt she had been stabbed, and you are going to be feeling the same thing" she dangled the blade over his leg, finding a pin point of where to slide the blade in. She decided on the middle of the thigh. Dancing the blade over the spot, she slowly starting sinking the sharp tip of the blade through his trousers and into his skin. He shifted in his chair.
"Hold him down" she instructed her team. Two of them walked over to the chair and held his shoulders and chair in place. She smirked, her eyes pointing darts into his. She continued to slowly sink the sharp tip of the blade in, and in a quick second the whole blade was sunk into his leg.
"Ready for the worst part?" she asked him. Slowly sliding the blade out of his leg, ready to reinsert it into the bleeding gash into his leg, the doors of the safe house blasted open.
Quickly standing up, like a deer at headlights. The Avengers stood there. They all glanced at Coulson, either making sure he was alive, or they weren't imagining it earlier.
"That's enough Lexi" Rogers spoke out, with his chest being covered by his SHIELD.
"Do you really think I am going to listen to a man who wears a costume like a little kid?" she asked
"How did you find us?" she asked them, crossing her arms
"We had a tracker put on one of your gifted. Not sure which one though" He explained. Lexi turned to her group and sighed
"I am working with a bunch of amateurs" she was clearly disappointed with her team. Her team all had big bold red letters tapped across their faces in their files. They didn't live up to their expectation in the field.
"Actually, I am glad you lot are here, you can witness the death of Phil Coulson. Again" she smiled at them.
"Lexi, you don't have to do this" Pietro stepped forward.
"Actually, I do. He needs to feel how my mum felt, and I don't work with a bunch of liars" she motioned the blade towards them.
"We did it to protect you" Tasha pointed out, her hand on the side of her gun.
"You mean like to protect you. You know, we could of probably avoided all this, if you would of just told me. But again. SHIELD is all about secrets. The S in SHIELD shouldn't be Strategic, it should be secrets. The whole reason to why SHIELD is always fighting a war against an enemy, is because you mess with things you don't understand. You don't understand me, and you never will!" she shouted sending a telekinetic blast towards them, it was like a tidal wave, each of their bodies hitting the walls. Luckily for Wanda, Pietro moved her out of the way. Her team knew the rules, you can hurt them, but don't kill them.
A few bullets were being shot here in there, a SHIELD occasionally flying buy, or hex bolts and a few arrows.
Lexi stood in front of Tasha smirking. "I never really like you. I don't know, just something about you, I just didn't like" she told her crossing her arms.
"Lexi you don't have to do this" Tasha spoke
"Actually now I know. You think this is all fun and games, you think you know everything, that little annoying smirk you do. It just annoys me. But now, with me killing you, I won't have to see that smirk ever again" she smiled. Igniting a ball of fire in her hand, she quickly launched it towards the other red head, missing her by an inch.
"Damn, I was this close to burning that stupid hair" she crossed her arms and looked to her right, seeing Pietro be blasted with some type of power.
"Pietro!" She shouted and ran over towards him. He was alive, luckily, but his body kept jilting. Lexi touched him, only to be shocked.
"Who electrocuted him?" she asked and turned her head seeing Mollie. The kinetic absorber.
"How did you do this?" she asked, holding Pietro's head softly, even though she felt what it felt like, several needles pricking into her skin.
"We needed proof, that you are just as weak as us. You want the Avengers and SHIELD gone, but you won't kill your precious boyfriend. Oh yeah, we know about Pietro being your lover. Your stupid for letting love get in the way. Love is weakness, Lexi" Mollie spoke up "Plus, earlier without you seeing me, I absorbed some electricity from the light from the ceiling, hence the broken light" she pointed to the one ceiling light, which appeared to not be shining.
"So you think you can hurt him. After I said not too?" she asked
"It's your weakness Lexi" Zara spoke up. Lexi turned to Wanda motioning her to come over to her brother. Giving Pietro's cheek a small stroke, she stood up looking at her old team. They were called Karma for a reason, Karma is a bitch.
"You wanna see how weak you think I am?" she asked clutching her fists. A orange and red glow surronded her body, and her hands glowed white.
"You have no idea what I can do!" she shouted at them, sending out a high pitched scream, her firey telekinetic force bolted from her body towards team Karma, sending them flying across the room. They were either seriously hurt, or dead. But she didn't care.
She sunk to the floor, looking at her hands, they were shaking.
"Lexi?" Pietro spoke. She didn't turn around. All the anger and sadness she had been feeling, she showed them, and now they felt it. Pietro kneeled beside her, stroking her cheek
"It's okay, it's all over"
"It's far from that Pietro" Steve spoke up and walked towards Lexi. Pietro ran in front of him
"What are you going to do?" Pietro asked, concern showed in his eyes.
"We have to arrest her and put her under observation. And you know why" Steve told him before handcuffing her wrists together, standing her onto her own feet and heading towards the Quinjet, after releasing her father.  

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