Civil War 4

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It had been hours since Lexi returned from Romania after trying to rescue and protect Bucky. Steve wanted her out of this situation so she didn't get arrested. So in order to keep low, she stayed at the academy with Pietro, Wanda and Vision. Everyone was just waiting on the next move. But no one knew what the next move was, and it kept everyone in suspense.

Everywhere she walked she noticed agents looking at her and then looking away once they got caught. Their hands on their guns, a touch of fear hit Lexi every time it happened. Cameras everywhere, every where she walked, she noticed the CCTV cameras moving as she moved until she walked into the next hall, then the next camera would be on her.

Fear was now being turned around. Sometimes she thought she deserved this treatment for what happened, but then, it was an accident. They save's Steve's life. There was much more of a population where Rumlow detonated the bomb, compared to inside the building. Sometimes everything you do to try making things better, always get turned down, people turn away.

There was no way out.
And there was nothing to do. Wanda was off somewhere keeping to herself. Vision was doing something else, and Pietro and Lexi were cuddled up in their bedroom.
"How long do you think this war will go on for?" The red head asked
"War? More like a petty fight" Pietro mumbled. Lexi sat up slowly and sighed.
"We both know, this is going to end in a war. Steve is Captain America, he fights for what he believes in, Stark, he tries to do things to make things better, even if it means tearing people down or apart"
The couple sighed knowing Lexi was right. There was going to be a fight. And they were stuck in the middle of it. Even without the incident in Nigeria, the Accords would still be going through with ease.
"You know you could just leave, not have to worry about all this Lexi" Frowning at her silver haired boyfriend, she sat up.
"Pietro, you and Wanda are my family, I am the sister Wanda never had, I am your girlfriend. We are family. This is my family no matter how many times we fight, because that's what family does" she explained "You stay, I stay, you fight, I fight. You get injured, I get injured. And if the worse comes to it, so be it"
"I don't think we will be dying any time soon" Pietro smiled his signature smile before letting out a chuckled. Lexi rolled her eyes and pushed him back on the bed. Quickly, Pietro sat up and kissed her plump lips softly "No matter what happens, I will always love you. I will never forget you, you will always be by my side, from the day that I met you, I will always love you till the day I die" He stroked her olive skin softly before Lexi frowned and rolled her eyes.
"What?!" Pietro asked
"A Zara Larsson song?" She teased
"I know you love that song, video made you cry"
"I do love the song, it has meaning. But Demons by Imagine Dragons or Marilyn Monroe by Nicki Minaj is the way to my heart" she winked as he chuckled.
"My anaconda don't want none if you aint got buns, and baby, you sure have buns" he winked and quickly dragged her onto his lap as they cuddled.

A sudden knock bought the couple out of their zone, Vision standing at the door.
"Sorry to interrupt, but I would like a word with Lexi, if I may" Vision spoke politely, like he always did.
"Am I in trouble?" She asked raising her brow
"No. Unless you have done something else which you shouldn't have done"
"I was helping a friend, now Steve can deal with it. I am back here, doing no harm. Being a good girl"
"And so far good reports. But if I may borrow you for a few moments, I will return her so he can show you his snake. Though I have never seen this snake..."
Lexi widened her eyes, while Pietro held in his laugh, making a small noise trying to hold it in.
"Okay, fine. But never say anything about an anaconda again Vision"
"Of course" he moved out of the way so Lexi could leave the bedroom.
She kissed Pietro's head before leaving the bedroom. "So how can I help? Usually people don't turn to me for help"
"That is true, but this is a different matter, concerning Wanda" Lexi raised her eyebrow at him
"Is she okay?"
"Yes of course, physically, but maybe not so mentally and emotionally"
Lexi nodded before being lead into the kitchen, pots and pans everywhere and books on the counter.
"Cooking books?"
"Yes, I would like to life Wanda's spirits by cooking a meal, though you know her better than I do. On the smallest things, I would like your kind advice to what I shall cook her"
"Er. Okay. Well first, nothing to spicy. The spices may cause reactions, coughing, crying, powers going awry"
Vision looked at her slightly confused.
"A bad joke, but still. When I have spicy foods, I cough, I cry and things start blowing up. So I advise you to cook something mild"
"Mild, okay" he said flicking through the pages.
"Here, let me do a little magic" She looked at the books and closed her eyes before flicking her fingers, causing a small amount of fiery colours to open another book and find a page. "Chicken Paprikash"
"Your powers are getting more unique the more you use them" Vision complimented
"Thank you. As time goes by, I understand my powers more every day, I can combine them. Telekinesis and sensing, I sensed for a recipe Wanda may like, and my telekinesis found it" She grabbed the book and smiled. "I remember back working with HYRDA, my telekinesis would be a white colour, but I think now I have evolved into an Avenger, done something good, the effect has changed to my elemental colour but without the fire"
"Maybe working with Wanda changed the effect as well"
"Perhaps, since Wanda's hex bolts are a scarlet red, and mine turned from white to an orangey red, I don't know what changed them. But back in Pandora, when something good has happened, we get rewarded, either power wise or something else. After saving people of Sokovia and Pandora, I guess I was rewarded with advanced telekinesis"
"What is the difference?" Vision asked
"What I used to have was just telekinesis. I could move small objects with ease, maybe with one hand, medium objects required my mind and two hands, and with bigger ones, it was much harder to do, but now, with the flick of a wrist, I could send buses over, or even bigger"
"Sounds exciting, for you of course"
"A little bit. But sometimes if I want to move something gently, it tends to get thrown instead, anyway, enough talking about that. Food" She looked at the book an studied the writing "Chicken paprikiash is a popular Hungarian dish- well Hungary is in Eastern European, just like Sokovia" she explained "The name comes from the use of paprika, blah, blah, blah. Okay I think you can handle this on your own, just follow the instructions. You are an android, you can figure it all out" she smiled before walking over to the sofa "I will be over here"
As Vision got cooking, time shortly went by until Pietro and Wanda walked in. Wanda walked straight over to Vision while Pietro ran to Lexi.
"So what did he want?" He asked whispering his accent
"Cooking a meal for Wanda, to lift her spirits" she explained
"What about us?"
Lexi turned her head at Pietro "Wanda seems to have taken a bigger effect on the situation, let him do this thing"
"One question. Why did he ask you and not me? She is my sister"
"Exactly. She is your sister, your protective of her, Vision could say one thing and you could, I don't know, install a virus in him. Look, he needed a woman's advice regarding another woman" she told him "you would threaten him and say 'you hurt my sister, I hurt you back' which you know you can't do"
"One way to kill the mood Lex"
Lexi sighed and put down the magazine she had been reading "I am sorry, I just, my mind is messed up. I am just scared of what's going to happen"
"We just have to keep wishing. For all we know, we are on Steve's side"
"Yeah, Team Captain America verses Team Iron Man, aka Team HYDRA" She mumbled.
Pietro looked at her confused.
"A while back, I did research. I came across it all to do with SHIELD, HYDRA, everything back in the day. A mad scientist called Zola, he worked for HYDRA but was a mole in SHIELD. And it makes sense to why Steve doesn't want to sign the Accords" she explained "If I can remember, humanity needed to surrender its freedom. HYDRA created a world so chaotic that humanity is finally ready to sacrifice its freedom to gain it's security. Once the process is complete, HYDRA's New World Order will arise. HYDRA won" she took a deep breath "I read the information over and over again. My mother manages to find all this information; she said it was from an old SHIELD base where Rogers joined the army. The mind of Zola was installed into these computers, so my mum managed to find the information, and then she realised she would need to provide it to me later" she sighed "The Accords. Tony is doing exactly what HYDRA wants them to do. Hand everything over to the government when it can put the life of millions in danger"
"It all makes sense" Pietro whispered...
"A pink of paprika...a pinch..."
"Is that Paprikash?" Wanda asked. A smirk appeared on Lexi's face
"I thought it might lift your spirits"
A small moment of silence occurred before Wanda spoke again.
"Spirits lifted" Lexi could sense Wanda wasn't exactly keen on the current sauce which was bubbling over the hob.
"In my defence, I haven't actually eaten anything before, so...please...Wanda?"
"Hmm?" Lexi raised her eyebrow, as both Pietro and her listened in on the conversation.
"No one dislikes you" Wanda chuckled softly
"Oh you're welcome. No it's ah...involuntary response in their amygdale that can't help but being afraid of you"
The red head and silver haired both raised their eyebrow and then frowned. They would never understand half of what Vision is saying at the time.
"Are you?" Wanda asked
"My amygdale is synthetic, so..." Wanda laughed softy
"I used to think of myself one way. But after this" There was a moment of silence, Lexi could sense Wanda using her magic gently. The way the hex bolts flowed around her fingers, and a larger bolt brightly red in the centre of the magic. "I am something else. And still me, I think. But that's not what everyone else sees"
"Do you know, I don't know what this is" Vision pointed to the mind gem on his forehead. "Not really. I know it's not of this world. But it powered Loki's staff, gave you and your brother abilities. But it's true nature is a mystery. And yet, it is part of me"
"Are you afraid of it?"
"I wish to understand it. The more I do, the less it controls me. One day, who knows, I may even control it" There was another silence before Wanda spoke again.
"I don't know what's in this, but it's not paprika. I'm gonna go to the store, I'll be back in twenty minutes"
"I will come with you" Lexi got off the sofa "I fancy a Starbucks hot chocolate"
"Get me one as well!" Pietro shouted out as he was too indulged into the game he was playing on a device. Vision moved quickly in front of the girls.
"Alternativetly, we could order a pizza? And Lexi, if I may suggest, we have hot chocolate in the cupboard" Wanda and Lexi looked at each other before looking at Vision
"Vision, are you not letting us leave?"
"...It is a question of safety"
"We can protect yourselves" Wanda spoke again before moving an inch, a hand on Wanda's arm gently, and his eyes locked on Lexi.
"Not yours. Mr Stark would like to avoid the possibility of another public incident. Until the Accords are a more secured foundation"
"So you're putting us under house arrest?" Lexi asked. "Let us by" She spoke with a touch of order in her tone.
"I wouldn't advise you to do anything you might regret" Vision didn't keep his eyes off Lexi.
"I wouldn't regret it" She responded.
"Get your hand off my sister" Pietro spoke up before running beside Lexi and looking at Vision. "And I know deep down, you don't want to hurt her, so hands off" Pietro ordered, being the big brother to his baby sister, of a few minutes. Vision removed his hands and looked down.
"...And what do you want Vision?" Wanda asked
"For people to see I do"
Lexi rolled her eyes and sighed. "Fine then I am going to grab a few movies and then come back here so we can have a slumber party" she rolled her eyes before leaving the room.

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