10: Fairytales and Boys

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As we start setting up the biggest coolest pool party to EVER exist, I am constantly checking my phone to see if Will texted. I'm half expecting James to burst through the door unannounced. 

"Emma! Where should this go?" Sophia asks.

"Uh, in the corner for now, it's a decoration for the DJ! But he's not here till later." I then face the men who are setting up the DJ stage. 

"Hey, is there any way to have the stand facing towards the pool? Thanks!Oh-! Can we have the dance floor more over this way- perfect!" 

I look at my phone, a text message from Will reads:

"at the aquarium, still a lot of the tour thing left but he seems kinda mad that we're here. Lol"

"Emma!" I look to see Caleb struggling to get the huge speaker through the side gate, all the men helping set up rush over to help.

"All good! Thanks guys, hey Ems, when is the caterer gonna be here to set up?" Caleb says.

"Any time now, it's a taco truck and an ice cream truck, they both said they'd be here around.. now!"

"The taco truck can fit inside the backyard, and the ice cream truck can be set up on the other side! But we'll just have them take it out of the truck and set up in like a booth."


I get another text from Will. It reads:

"tour is practically over and James is trying to leave the building I REPEAT TRYING TO LEAVE THE BUILDING! I'll try 2 distract"

"Oh no"

James leaves the building while Will trails behind him. 

"James wait up!"

"Dude, I don't know why you're so into fish but It's just not my thing! Thanks again but I'm gonna head home."

 "Okay, okay! How about we do something you wanna do? What did you say uh, oh! How about riding our motorcycles around town huh?"

"Yeah man, that sounds great. We gotta swing by the house in Laguna so I can get it out of the garage though."

James heads to the car.

"Wait! How about we just go surf? We're already at a beach, it makes no sense for us to go somewhere else! Let's go!"

"Uh, sure. Will, what's up with you today? I feel like you're super jumpy and.. acting weird."

"What? Nothing! Just really missed you my brother!"

 "Will, we barely hung out all year."

 "Yeah and that's why we need to make up for lost time! Come on!"

They head to the beach. Meanwhile, Sammi and her posey are parked far enough away to be out of sight of James and Will. They're wearing sunglasses and are leaning very low in the car.

"Sammi this is boring, can we just go to the beach for reals? Like, you totally lied to us." Cammi states. 

"Shut up. This is more important than your dumb tan."

"This is dumb Sammi! James doesn't even like you like, at all." Cece says.

"Do you want to fumble your ride to school everyday in a fucking G-Wagon Cece? Cause that's where you're headed if you don't shut up and watch them with me."

 "Why are we even watching them?" Cammi says.

"I want to know what he's up to, and if he's seeing anyone. I don't know."

 "My tan could be looking sick right now!" Cammi says.

"I want ice cream!" Cece yells from the backseat. 

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