Jiminie - When he's non-verbal

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"Jimin? Jin-hyung is heading out do you want anything?" Namjoon called out as he made his way into Jimins room.

He saw Jimin sat on his bed, fingers lodged in his mouth as he rocked himself from side to side.

"Jiminie? are you ok sweetheart?" Namjoons voice softened as he sat down on the bed, looking at him.

Jimin didn't say anything, he crawled onto Namjoons lap and snuggled into him.

Namjoon wrapped his arms around the small boy, making him smile, showing his adorable crooked tooth.

"Can you show me how old you are baby? Use your fingers" Namjoon waited as the little in his lap thought for a while, before 2 fingers were shyly held up.

"Such a good boy..." Namjoon cooed, lifting the boy to straddle his lap so he could hug him better.

"Can you speak at all honey?" The mop of fluffy hair shook from side to side, and Namjoon chuckled fondly.

"That's ok baby boy, appa will take care of everything..." the little in his arms seemed to relax, resting his head on his caregivers shoulder.

Whenever Jimin was non-verbal in his littlespace, it meant that he wanted to be completely taken care of.

He didn't want to make any decisions, he just wanted to rely on his caregivers and let all his stress go.

"Namjoon-ah! Does Jimin want anything? I'm gonna leave" Jimin whined at the noise as Jin came into the room, seeing Jimin cuddled in Namjoons lap.

Jin smiled, gently running his fingers through the babys hair, "sorry baby, Daddy was loud, I'll leave you with your appa ok?" He kissed the top of Jimins head, before leaving quietly.

Namjoon lifted Jimin up, kissing his forehead and carrying him downstairs.

"Come on then my prince, lets get you some food in that tummy, then I think a quiet movie before bedtime..."

Namjoon spoke more to himself as he prepared some simple food for the little, putting some juice in a sippy cup and sitting him down at the table with some legos to distract him for a while.

Jimin was very happy to sip his juice and play with his legos, he wasn't fussy when he was non-verbal, he just wanted someone to make his decisions for him so he didn't have to think.

"Here we are minie, appa will feed you hmm?" He placed some simple bibimbap in front of Jimin, mixing it with the spoon before beginning to feed him.

Jimin gazed up at his appa as he ate, making Namjoon swell with pride as he was taking such good care of their baby.

Jimin finished the food quickly, smiling gratefully at Namjoon as he put the bowl into the sink, before picking up the little and taking him to the living room.

"Let's watch a nice nature documentary hmm? Lots of pretty animals for you to look at..."

Namjoon smiled softly, turning on a nice documentary for Jimin to watch as he grabbed a fresh paci and his favourite blanket.

Namjoon presented the pacifier to Jimin, who happily opened his mouth and accepted his comfort item, leaning into Namjoons side and sighing in content.

The other members came home to see Jimin and Namjoon asleep on the sofa, Jimin curled up adorably in Namjoons lap.

Jin draped a blanket over them, deciding to let them sleep there together as the rest headed off to bed.

Jimin woke up the next day, no longer little, but still in Namjoons arms.

And he still snuggled down into the warm arms that always knew what he needed...

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