💫 - This Is The End!

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On the outskirts of Megapolis, the Monkie Team were all together. While Pigsy was cooking lunch and Sandy and Tang were off doing their own kind of training, Mei, MK and Peach were together doing theirs.

"Okay, Mr. Tang! Let's start off with something easy!" Sandy offered a small dumbbell over to Tang, who immediately crumpled to the floor after grabbing it.

The trio sparring each other were underneath Sandy's jet, training in a more shaded area.

Mei used her dragon form to fling MK in the air. Peach used her wish magic to send a burst of pink energy outwards, making the dragon holograph fizzle out for a second, allowing MK to recover and counterattack.

Mei landed on one of the rock formations, wiping the sweat from her forehead. "Monkie Kid! Peach! So it's come to this!" The dragon girl cackled evilly. Peach couldn't help but giggle at her silliness.

The feeling of happiness allowed Peach to become lighter and start floating, a breeze entered and began sweeping sand into the air.

"Ack! Hey! No fair!" MK pouted as the sand got in his face. This distraction allowed Peach to send the two flying away with her wish magic again, leaving them both laying in the hot sand.

"You guys held on really well that time!" Peach exclaimed as she floated back down. She had calmed a bit, which allowed her to use her healing abilities to heal and cuts or bruises on the two.

"Peach, I think you might be too OP." MK exclaimed as he tiredly sat up, and Mei nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's honestly kinda unfair."

"Well, I think it's a good way for you two to learn how to pick your battles then. You don't wanna end up fighting someone stronger than you, only to lose badly." The two could pick up what she was putting down, so Mei nodded.

"Hm? MK? Did you catch that?" Peach looked to where MK was, only to see no one. "MK?"

A shadow looked over the two girls, and it was MK, who was practically 10x his regular size. "OH MY STAR SPRITES!" Was all Sandy, Tang and Pigsy heard before MK fell over the two, kicking up the largest sand cloud thus far.


After what happened during their training, the trio returned to the jet to relax a bit. MK was eating some apple slices while Peach and Mei waited for Pigsy to be finished cooking, one of them being more patient than the other.

"You're really getting a hand of this mystic monkey business, MK!" Mei exclaimed excitedly, and Peach joined in, nodding. "Yeah! You're handling your powers really well!"

"Gee, thanks! I feel like I've been making some good progress lately!" MK beamed excitedly.

"Monkie Kid! Master of staff, can grow big and small, hero of the universe!" Mei jumped up, arms open wide. "Hero of being smart enough to move the training sessions out her so we stop smushing up the city real bad."

Peach's smiled tightened at the mention of the city. With the way things were going, there was no way she wanted to go back there.

"Aren't you being a bit over the top?" MK looked just as uncomfortable with the mention of the city.

"Of course not, we got this!" Mei smiled brightly, and Peach smiled back.

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𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒, 𝓅𝑒𝒶𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓈! (Peach x LMK Various)Where stories live. Discover now