Ch-3~Life isn't worth living

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Nothing special happened in the past few days, just my normal useless life. It's been 6 months now since my mom called me, so I guess she is really busy. As I was in my bed, after a tiring day's work I thought to talk with my bestie.No, it's not a girl or boy... it's my one and only friend... my diary. I took out my diary from the drawer, grabbed a pen, and wrote my last entry...


Today I took a day off, but still, I came to the office, not to work... but to finish all my work. I am standing on the 7th floor of my office building, gathering all my courage to jump from the balcony...yeah u read it correctly, I finally decided to end this useless life...what's even the use of living a life without happiness, what's the use of earning money if I can't be happy, what's the use of this life where nobody cares if I'm alive or dead?
I took a deep breath as my childhood memories flashed in my mind...the memories of my parents, my best friend, and my school. I closed my eyes and said thanks to my 7 angels who have been keeping me alive till now, I am gonna miss them. I remembered their faces for the last time and jumped...


Authors POV

Jasmine's mother is sitting next to her bed, holding Jasmine's hand and crying continuously. She is feeling guilty for not taking care of her daughter properly, she believes that today's condition of her daughter is because of her only. She never thought something like this could ever happen.
It's been 2 whole weeks since jasmine is lying in the hospital bed like a dead body, but her heart is still beating...For these 2 weeks, her mother had constantly been by her side and waited for her to show a sign of life, even a bit of movement.
That day when she received a call from her daughter's mobile in a male voice, who told her that her daughter has been fatally injured in a suicide attempt. She was shocked ...After that, she called her husband to inform him about the news and they immediately booked a flight to come back to the US. They visited their daughter in the hospital the next morning and knew everything about the incident in detail from Jasmine's boss.
Jasmine was badly injured with several broken bones and a severely damaged brain. She went through many operations but still didn't get back her consciousness. Doctors have successfully fixed the brain injury and are taking care of the bones which will take time to be good again. Doctors believe that she might get back to her senses any time now...


Jasmine's mother was asleep, resting her head on her hands while sitting beside her daughter. But she woke up when the nurse came in to give Jasmine her morning dose of medicines. The nurse completed her work and left the room as usual. Jasmine's mother was looking at her with teary eyes as she remembered the old days she used to spend time with her daughter...But as time passed she got busy in their business and had to leave her daughter alone most of the time...
Suddenly she noticed a movement in Jasmine's finger. A little sign of life. The finger moved again she held her daughter's hand and called the doctor in excitement. The doctor came and gave jasmine some quick-acting injections. A few minutes later, slowly jasmine opened her eyes...She looked up at the people around her with a blank expression...

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