Ch-18 ~ Can we meet today??

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After waking up at around 7 in the morning, I chk my phone as usual...I see that I got a message from jazz.

Jimin can we please meet today...I know you are busy, but just for an hour? It's important hour should not be that tough. I will chk my schedule...we can meet in the evening...around six?

She replies quickly.

Ok , where are we meeting then? the cafe near your house?


I close my chat . What's it she wants to tell? I am time to think,I have a busy day ahead, so I get off my bed and quickly get dressed for the day.


I am successful in finishing my schedules a little earlier so that I can have time for jazz.Although...I am a bit late in reaching the cafe.

I enter the cafe feeling...curious,about what jazz has to say.I see her sitting in one of the corner tables.I wave at her and she waves back with a smile.But...she looks nervous.

" everything all right? Are you alright?" I ask her as soon as I reach her table.I am worried.

" yeah I am fine...but everything isn't. Take a seat first...I have a lot to say."

I sit across the Table.

" So...OK,let's start with a thanks.Thank you for helping me recall my past days.Thank you, for 0being with me...thank u so much for everything. I never even dreamed that you and the whole BTS could be a part of my life.I never thought I would meet you like this...and u will be my best friend."

She pauses .

" Y-you you got ur memories back?? You remember everything now? " I was surprised and extremely happy .

" yeah...I was asleep and ...the memories just flashed in my head like a dream...but when I opened my eyes,I knew it wasn't a dream.It was real.It was my memory..."

" Oh jazz...I have waited so long for this.I am so happy that you finally got your memories back...i-i don't know what else to say. "

" but I have many questions to you..."

" did you know about my past? ...I don't remember telling you about my accident or my memory loss..."

I explained to her how I met her mother...heard about her suicide attempt and got her diary.

"Hmmm... So you read my diary? That means you know more about me than I do , right now? "

She says in a teasy voice.

"I guess so." I reply...a little embarrassed.

"I can't let that happen...I need my diary back.I also wish to read it."

"As you wish, Missy "

" ok then question is...why you took all the effort to bring back my memories? I could've changed after I came to know about my past...where BTS was my idol.I could have been shy...or nervous in front of you...everything could have changed. Still you took the responsibility to make me recall everything? Why?"

"...umm s-sorry jazz...but I can't answer this right now. I promise you I will give you the answer when the time is right.Sorry..."

She seems to understand. She nodded her head and...was back to her childish self again.

"Enough gimme a hug,as a congrats of getting my memories back..."

She stands up and opens her arms demanding a hug.I go closer to her and squeeze her in my arms.It feels so warm...Her smell, her touch...everything is so...comforting. I hold her like that...feeling her warmth against my chest.

"Yeah...I can't breathe...move!!"

She Slightly pushes me away...giggling.

And...the evening ends soon.I walk with her till her house.I wished to drive...but she insisted on walking. Even the little walk with her felt special.

Every moment I spend with her is special and precious. 

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