Volume 2 Chapter 3: Looking askance from the top

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Happiness is a function of the acceptance of what exists.
Werner Erhard

Once upon a time in the White Room, I had the task that every test subject in the place had to complete the entire training program without committing a fatal error in any of the phases. If any misstep were noticed, it is likely that my body would be scrapped, both figuratively and literally.

Thinking about it, I realized that this school, though not so severe in its penalties, still had a similar effect. If you make a big mistake here, you will have to leave without compromise.

«Ayanokoji, I'm done.»

«So are we.»

Sudo, Ike, and Yamauchi came up to me and held out to my hands the answer sheets to the problems I had given them earlier. I had to take a quick look at what they had managed to write. In the end, I was more or less satisfied with their answers. It really was the progress they had made in all this time of learning.

«Well done. You are dismissed.»

I stood up from my seat and saw all three of them breathe a sigh of relief, but still Sudo noticed something. He realized that I hadn't set at least a tentative time for the next class right away.

«Won't there be anything tomorrow? I mean, the exam is the day after tomorrow.»

«I think you're quite prepared. All you have to do is repeat the material we went over, and then you'll probably be fine.»

Matsushita should be handing out the answer sheets for the exam tomorrow morning. I just hope that everything goes smoothly.

«Bye. Good luck to the three of you.»

«Thanks (3x)!»

After leaving them in the library, I left first, and then headed towards the roof. Chabashira-sensei wanted to meet me there this morning, so I didn't have much choice. Of course, I could have ignored such a request, but who knows what the consequences would be for me in the future.

As I walked up the stairs, I didn't even hear much other than my own footsteps. Simply put, it was quiet enough, as if there was no one else in this school besides me.

There was fresh, but for some reason cold air waiting for me on the roof, though this time without the cigarette smoke. Instead of this unpleasant residue, though, there was another problem. I saw two people instead of one. The first person was Chabashira-sensei. Her stubborn, cold and intimidating gaze drilled right through another teacher named...

«Oh, it's Ayanokoji-kun!»

The frightening atmosphere of wild earnestness abruptly disappeared when Hoshinomiya-sensei, with her light brown hair, rushed towards me. She was quick and graceful, I didn't even have time to do anything before her gentle arms wrapped around my waist and this young beauty hid behind my back.

«Ayanokoji~kun, save me. Baka-sae-chan is hurting me!»

Why is she crying and almost screaming in my ear? Why is her embrace so soft and gentle? I had no answers to these questions.

«Let go of my student, Hoshinomiya.»

Chabashira-sensei's stern voice pierced the air in front of us. Her intimidating gaze burned through the young teacher behind me. In response, Hoshinomiya-sensei's hands only clutched tighter around my stomach and waist.

«Your student? Wow, so you've already crossed that line?»

She found this situation amusing as the pressure from Chabashira-sensei only increased. Looking at the whole thing, it seems to me that soon everything around here will just be destroyed because of the tension.

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's last examWhere stories live. Discover now