Chapter 3: Mutual blood (Scars)

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"Hello! I'm back!"

Yor's voice covered the entire apartment, causing her husband and daughter to welcome her with a smile. It was a Tuesday night, a typical work day coming to an end. Loid walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek and Anya gave her a hug. It was just what she needed to get her energy back. A little love from her family.

After that, she took off the jacket she was wearing for the cold and headed to the table. After a hard work as an assassin, she deserved a little rest and a good dinner. She thought about resting early, at last she had no contracts and could take advantage of that for a quieter day at the city hall. No blood, no worries.

It was nice to think how she could enjoy some time of happiness with her family. They were like her serotonin. It was no longer like the nights before she met them where she had dinner alone and did nothing in her apartment. Now everything was different with them.

While Anya was talking about how her day went, Yor was thinking about how she was going to help her with her homework these days. Her exams were coming up, and even though she wasn't the best teacher, she was trying her best to try to teach her and get her the knowledge she needed. Sure, Loid could help her too, but he was a little bit demanding. She had a lot of thoughts and examples she could try to use, maybe she could still get Anya to understand the topics.

Suddenly, Anya's voice stopped and the whole table fell silent. Yor turned her head. She couldn't help but notice that her daughter looked worried. There seemed to be something that had traumatized her out of nowhere.

"Anya, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

"You are bleeding mama..."

The girl pointed to Yor's back, and Yor put her hand where Anya pointed. She felt the fresh blood on her palm, and remembered where it was from. Her last victim didn't have good self-defense, but she was able to leave her with certain cuts that were going to leave her a scar. After taking care of him, she thought about cleaning the marks the victim had left on her.

Yor panicked, just realizing that she hadn't finished cleaning up all evidence of her last kill.

"No, it can't be. I missed treating that wound." thought the assassin in her head.

Loid and Anya immediately stood up when they saw Yor injured, her husband being the most concerned after seeing the cut on his wife's back.

"Emm, don't worry. It's nothing serious. I...I fell, and and...well...accidents like that happen!" Yor was trying to justify herself, but she didn't have time to talk anymore because Loid put his wife on the couch and went to get the first aid kit.

Anya went to get her mother some water while Loid started to close her wound. He disinfected his hands before treating her, and began the procedure. He took some gauze and began to place it over Yor's wound, trying to get the bleeding to stop.

"That's a deep wound Yor. My God."

Even though the person she killed was someone inexperienced, he did put up a bit of a fight with his knife. Yor thought he had only left her with small cuts, but it looked like he did manage to reach her in parts she didn't realize.

Loid spent a few minutes trying to wipe the traces of blood Yor had on his back. The movements of his hands were slow, but cautious. Then, he used soap to clean the wound so it wouldn't get infected, he didn't want her to end up with something more serious than the blood dripping down her back. He tried to be as careful as possible to keep her from feeling pain.

Oh, if only Loid knew how much pain tolerance his wife had after so many experiences as an assassin.

"There we go. I think this should work." said Loid after finally closing the wound and cleaning it.

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