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After the texting ended, I decided to get in the shower and dressed.

about 30 minutes later, I was already dressed and ready to go.

I was excited to see everyone again especially Malachi. I've always had a crush on him but he's always been to oblivious to notice any of the signs i give him.

15 minutes later my doorbell ring, I practically jumped out my bed and ran downstairs to see my mom talking to whoever was at the door.

"Mom why are you at the door?" i asked.
you see me and my mom have the strongest bond ever but i get effy when she answers the door for my friends.

"i was just seeing who was here sweetie" my mom says practically rolling her eyes.

" HEYYY " i hear shay yell.

" HII " i yell back.

"quiet" i hear my mom say.

"ready to go? everyone's already in the car waiting" shay asks. "yeah let's go, BYE MOM"
and with that me and shay are out the door heading to the car.

Once we hopped in the car everyone started greeting me, making me smile. "hey" "how are you?" "how's school going?" and stuff like that.

I answer each question before going on my phone scrolling threw tiktok.


i look up to see Malachi smiling at me.
i blush before saying hi back. we go into a short conversation before we eventually stopped talking and minding our own business.

I catch shays eye as she smirks at me pointing to Malachi, wiggling her eyebrows. I roll my eyes and look out the window seeing all the beautiful trees and plants. I couldn't help but think of Malachi the whole car ride.

well this is gonna be a longggg day.

i promise future chapters will be longer it's currently 5:50 AM while i'm writing this and i still can't sleep HELP ME.

𝙈𝘼𝘿𝙀𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙀, Malachi Barton Where stories live. Discover now