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After what felt like a 3 hour ride we finally made it to the carnival.

"I can't wait to get on rides" Ariana excitedly said. "same its gonna be so fun" momanda stated.

" wait we should go in little groups first, then we can do the rides that acquire big groups" Malachi states.

"I mean i'm fine with the idea" walker says.
"yeah" "sure" "cool"

"so who's everyone's partner?" I ask confused. " momona and walker, Me and Ariana, and Madeline and Malachi." Shay says.

We all agree and go out separate ways. I was trying not to show my excitement about being paired with Malachi. He also seemed to be excited so that kinda helped my nerves and anxiety of embarrassing myself.

"So what rides do you want go on first?" I ask.
"oo that one" Malachi says pointed to a ride that looked like i could die before the ride even started.

My anxiety started kicking in, "umm I don't know" I said nervously. "come on please" Malachi begged, However I still didn't look convinced.

I felt Malachi connect his hands with mine.

"I'll protect you, i promise" Malachi said looking straight into my eyes. I sigh " fine"


"I'm NEVER going on a ride like that again."
"It was cool you're just a scaredy Cat"
Malachi states. "you know what since you said that we're going on the ferris wheel" i say smirking.

"what n-" i cut him off by pulling him towards the ferris wheel, Just in time since the other people on the ride were getting off. " come on let's go" before we got on i could've swear i saw some pink on his cheeks but that could've just been the weather, since it's extremely hot but i guess that's just Georgia weather.

we get onto the ride and sit in one of the carriage thingys.

"get ready"


Liked by anaislee_, sadiesink and 428,201 others Madelinehuntt  Just got off a ride and i feel sick

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Liked by anaislee_, sadiesink and 428,201 others
Madelinehuntt  Just got off a ride and i feel sick

Shayrudolph- good
madelinehuntt- whaaa 😟

noahschnapp- couldn't be me 🥱
madelinehuntt- Im telling yo mama ❤️
noahschnapp- NO WAIT

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