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My heart was racing, well at least that's what it felt like. " um- we don't ha-" i was cut off by Malachi pulling me into the closet.

"what was that for?" i ask confused. All Malachi did was stare at me then my lips before leaning in putting his lips on mi-

"MADELINE" was all i need to hear to snap me back into reality. " i'm sorry got distracted" i say embarrassed.

" I was asking are you ok, you haven't said a word to me all night" Malachi says while frowning. " i'm sorry im just tired and all with all the rides" i state.

"no it's ok I get it, i'm tired myself" Malachi says chuckling.

"why?" i say.

"what do you mean why?" Malachi ask confused. "why were you worried about me?"
i ask.

"Because we're friends and that's what friends do"

I felt like i was gonna cry.

Call me dramatic all you want but it hurts being friendzoned by a boy you like.

"yeah.." i say trailing off at the end

"TIMES UP" i hear the door open seeing shay looking at us with hopefull eyes. I quickly shake my head. "nothing happened we just talking like normal friends" Malachi states.


Thats all we are, friends.

Shay clearly saw i was hurt by what he just said. "how about we go out to eat?"  My mood quickly lightens. "yes let's go" i say basically dragging everyone out the bedroom door.

"Hey mom can we walk to canters for dinner?" Ariana asks her mom. "yeah of-course just be safe please" "that's mom" and with that we're out the door.



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liked by Leahsavajefferies, florencehunt_ and 1,291,917 others

Madelinehuntt- My two faves <333
@shayrudolph @momonatamada

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lizzygreene- Both are so stunning
Madelinehuntt- ikr 😍

Erinmcdonald- The food at Canters are so good

abbyjameswitherspoon- how was the food?
Madelinehuntt- It's sadly not here yet :(

Scarlye07- Imagine pretending like we weren't just texting minutes ago 🙄

Yayagosseline- Imagine not inviting me
Madelinehuntt- Bitch you're in texas and im in Georgia 🤨
Yayagosseline- SO?!?
Kirstenwalken_- HEY BABEEE
Yayagosseline-  HEY WIFE 🤭🤭

OnwardWanna- after the sleepover you better come over and hang out with me because my whole family misses you 🙄
Madelinehuntt- aww i miss them to, you on the other hand not so much but yeah i'll come over

Dominque.pexa- ooo give me some

Melanie_- imagine not being in the picture
Madelinehuntt- Be quiet you weren't even here 🤭

I set my phone down on the table after scrolling threw Instagram for awhile waiting it the food to get here.

"so what do you guys wanna do tomorrow?" Ariana asked the group.

" um maybe we could go to the fair again? with the same groups" Momona said.

"NO!" i shouted, remembering this afternoons events.

Everyone in the restaurant looked at me weirdly even my friends who were trying to figure out why i was so against the idea.

"i- i mean we should do something else" i say trying to make everyone forget that i just screamed in a quiet restaurant.

"How about swimming? I have a pool in my backyard." Ariana stated. Everyone agreed and went back to their own conversation forgetting about the previous events and for me i put my head down embarrassed.

"hey are you alright?" I heard someone next to me ask.

I look up and see Malachi.

"uh- yeah im fine, why"

"oh you jus-" Malachi started but stopped one e he saw my confused expression. "never mind"

I got a sudden boost of confidence, and I asked " Do you wanna talk about what happened earlier" He seemed confused.

"yk on the ferris wheel" after I said that his eyes widened and a blush creeped over his face.

" what do you mean? nothing happened."


Just in time the waiter came around with the food and drinks.

It got very awkward when Walker asked "Have any of you have your first kiss yet?" Everyone got quiet not expecting his question. " or have you ever at least almost have"

Everyone was silent for about another minute or twin before Shay spoke up "yes" we all turned our heads to her.


" what? guys i literally told you about it" we all still stare at her confused? "on my prom night, i have a boyfriend now"

"oh" went around the table.

"so did anyone else"

"I did" i spoke out Malachis head snapped towards me. " well almost"

"when?" Ariana spoke out


Dramaaaaa 🤭🤭
I don't know if any of you are gonna forgive me
for not making them kiss this chapter but i swear they will  🤫 and i don't wanna rush the kiss <3

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