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read the A/N at the bottom after please!

I didn't know what to do, my ex was calling me.

I had thought i blocked her number, clearly not. I was debating on picking up since whenever i did she would ask for money.

I decided not to and the ringing stopped.

I decided to call Malachi instead.

(look it's the best i could do 💔)

He picked up after some seconds, "hello?" why did he sound confused?

"hey! um i have something to tell you.."
" me to! can i go first?" "uh yea sure"

I could tell he was nervous about something and i hope it's not what i think it's about.

" um i don't know how to say this, but i'm breaking up with you."

my heat stopped.

"what do you mean breaking up with me?"
a slight crack in my voice. "did i do something, we can fix it" i say hopeful.

" i just don't feel the same anymore, i found someone else."

I felt like breaking down. 5 whole months down the drain. ( wtf malachi 😒 )

with a shaky voice " w-whats her name?"

I wasn't ready to hear what i was about to.



"Katrina Laine"


you really thought i was gonna end this book like that and leave you guys 🤨

well you thought wrong. ☺️☺️

i love tricking people

sorry for the short chapter lol i'm just tired and yk i have to get my sleep schedule back on track for school and i have another doctors appointment tmr 😔

𝙈𝘼𝘿𝙀𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙀, Malachi Barton Where stories live. Discover now