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Everyone looked at me in shock besides Malachi who just looks Embarrassed.

was he embarrassed by me?

"when?" shay ask excitedly. I was about to answer when i saw Malachi shake his head slightly, so i quickly thought of a response.

"before you guys came and picked me up."

everyone but malachi we're excited.

"how was it" "who was it with?"

I was about to answer the questions before Malachi got up and left.

I was confused for a moment before saying "i'm gonna go check on him"

Everyone nodded going back to their conversations and shay gave me the "good luck" eyes.

I nodded and headed to the door and saw Malachi outside on the bench on his phone.

Malachi seemed to notice me and set his phone down.

"what are you doing here"

I was taken back by his tone and tried to keep my temper.

"i was just checking on you" I say before sitting down next to him. "what's wrong?"


i give him the look that says "i don't believe you" he seems to give up. "ok fine i guess when you brought up another boy i kinda got jealous." Malachi says embarrassedp.

"why? do you i don't know, like me?" I say with a hopeful tone lacing in my voice.

" i don't know, maybe"

I just stared at him before leaning in, right before our lips were about to touch everyone came out the restaurant.

we both pull away again.

what is with them and interrupting us?!?

we both sit up and walk to the group without saying a word.

we both part ours way Me going to shay and Malachi going to Walker.

"so what happened? did you guys kiss yet?!?!"
shay ask.

"hold your pants shay, we almost did before you guys interrupted again." i say with annoyance laced in my voice.

"oh my god I'm am so sorry" Shay apologizes.
"it's in dont worry i'll talk to him about it later" i say struggling my shoulders.

We all started walking home before i realize something.


Everyone looked at each other and started running home.

Of course i followed smiling, at times like this i really enjoyed life.

We made it home and sat in the living room.

"we'll that was fun." Ariana states laughing.
we all join in.

"let's watch a movie" Momona suggest.
we all agree and settle in, Malachi sits next to me.

30 minutes into the movie i feel something touching my hand, i look down and see malachi's hands connecting with mine.

I blush and look back at the screen trying to concentrate and it didn't help when Malachi leaned over and whispered in my ear " meet me in the bathroom" and with that he got up.

About 2 minutes later i got up to and left to the bathroom.

I opened the door to see Malachi, i closed the door behind me and stand there awkwardly
until i built up the courage to say " so what did you want"

𝙈𝘼𝘿𝙀𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙀, Malachi Barton Where stories live. Discover now