Chapter 8: The Great Game

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Set from years before present time. A younger Amelia Watson is crying beside the hospital bed next to an old man. The old man smiled at her as he holds her hand.

Strange Man: Amelia, I heard you got suspended from school.

Ame: ...

Strange Man: Something about you pointing out that one of your classmate's parents are drug addicts?

Ame: It was clearly obvious! The twitch of their hand, the smell of their own breath! I pointed it all out and they still wouldn't believe me!

The man laughed at her remark.

Ame: I thought the truth would bring light to everyone and make everyone happy, but I guess even the truth people are still in denial. They'll only believe what they want to believe. The world is stupid and boring!

Strange Man: Amelia, you have a gift of finding the truth of every mystery. And you should never let that go.

Ame: But my classmates hate me for it.

Strange Man: There are people who will. And there's nothing you can do. Someday, you will find someone who will stick beside you and accept you.

Ame: ...

Strange Man: Amelia.

Ame: Don't go, grandpa...

The old man caressed her cheek, wiping away her tears.

Strange Man: Don't ever think that the world is against you, Ame. If all else, you can use this.

The old man handed her his pocket watch.

Strange Man: The world is more than what you observe, my dear Amelia. Explore it.


Years after the passing of her late grandfather, the present year. Amelia is currently waiting outside of the emergency room. The small window on the doors were the only way for her to see (Y/N)'s face, but only glimpses of him. The nurses inside were moving swiftly and were blocking his face with their blue overalls. After what seemed to be hours, as the sun was about to rise, the doctor emerges from the emergency. Before the doctor could relay the news, Amelia had already deduced of (Y/N)'s condition.

Ame: Oh, thank you, doctor. How long until we can visit him?

Doctor: What? I-I haven't said anything yet.

Biggs: Don't worry about it, doc, just tell us the news.

Doctor: W-Well, for now he needs rest. I'd say a week at most. He's lucky, you know. That bullet would've been fatal, but fortunately the bullet didn't even reach his heart. 

Biggs: What? He was only a few feet away from the shooter! How was that possible?

Doctor: As I've said, lucky. A miracle, if I do say so myself.

Ame: ...

Doctor: Do you have any contacts of his relatives who can stay with him?

Ame: I can stay with him!

Biggs: Ame.

Ame: No, it's okay, I'll stay with him.

Doctor: I'm sorry, may I know your relations with Mr. (L/N)?

Ame: I'm his f--

She paused for a moment, hesitant to speak on what was on her mind and then abruptly rephrased her sentence.

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