Chapter 10: Baby Shark?

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It has been a two days after the events of the Holo Ocean Highway. (Y/N), Ina and IRyS are now watching news coverage on the incident, describing the famed Professor Mortimer's disappearance and the mystery of the massive tentacle that had created a massive crater on the highway, causing traffic for the citizens.

IRyS: Oh my. Looking back, I still couldn't believe that such a thing would exist.

(Y/N): Really? Even before you went to sleep?

IRyS: My memories of the past are still somewhat foggy.

(Y/N): Well, I guess that's what you'd get for sleeping for thousands of years.

IRyS: Perhaps... So many things that had happened...

(Y/N): Yeah... Mortimer, that giant octopus... and the person who saved me.

The three stayed silent for a moment as they pay attention to the news, describing the giant tentacle.

(Y/N): I've always wondered what's under an octopus looked like.

IRyS: I'm not surprised. You always want to see what lies beneath, don't you?

(Y/N): .... Not how I'd want to phrase it, but sure.

Ina: Did Ame find out who it was?

(Y/N): No, not yet. They swam so fast... 

IRyS: Whoever they are, they're heart is in the right place. I wish them the best in their endeavors.

Ina: Speaking of, I wonder if Ame is having breakfast. It's been two days since she last ate. I'm surprised she's still looking healthy.

(Y/N): Well, that's Ame for ya. She can be very eccentric.

IRyS: Want to go see how she's doing?

(Y/N): You've read my mind.


Inside Ame's new apartment room, Ame seems to be busy reading a newspaper which was handed to her by her client, a young man, who seems to be slightly disturbed by how disorganized Amelia's room is, which is full of chemical instruments and video game consoles. After her slight chuckle, the three entered her room.

(Y/N): Oh, uh, sorry, Ame.

Ame: No, no!

As the three were about to withdraw, Ame vaulted over her desk and pulled them back in.

Ame: My friends, you could not have come at a better time!

Ina: A-Aren't you handling a case?

Ame: Indeed I am. Mr. Parker, these are my friends, (Y/N), IRyS and Ina. The three of them share my love of all that is bizarre and outside the conventions and humdrum routine of everyday life.

The young man half rose from his chair and gave a bob of greeting, with a quick little questioning.

(Y/N): Bizarre is always wherever I go.

Ame: Well, I think you'll find that this case will be more to your liking.

(Y/N): R-Really?

Ame: It is at present and impossible to say that this is case is an instance of weird. No offense, Mr. Parker.

Jim: Oh, no worries and just "Jim" is fine.

Ame: But suffice it to say that I know as little about Jim as you do yourselves, beyond the obvious facts.

IRyS: Obvious facts?

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