• chapter 3•

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Honesty POV

I woke up to my phone vibrating for the one hundredth time. I groaned and picked it up. All of them were from Tray. my phone rang again and this time I picked up.

"Hello ?" I walked into the bathroom as I put the phone on speaker

" Why weren't you answering my calls" he sounded worried

" My bad I was sleep but what you want ?"

" Damn a nigga can't talk to his bestfriend" he chuckled

I stared at the phone for a bit then spoke " I never said that" I spoke into the phone so bluntly

" Oh well what you doing today"

" Stuff but I gotta go, bye" I hung up quickly and hopped into the shower, quickly washing off and hopping out. I threw on my white and black adida sweat suit including the sneakers and put my hair in a messy bun.I grabbed my car keys and left the house. I was just riding around until I decided to just go get my hair done cause it needed to be done badly.I pulled up to "Karen's Shop" and got out walkin into the shop.

I walked up to the counter where this pretty lady was typing away on her computer.

She looked up at me " Hello, welcome to Karen's Shop how may I help you ?" he smiled

" I just want to get a wash and set" she nodded and led me to the back where everyone else was.

I sat down in a seat while reading a magazine and getting me hair done. It was very relaxing.


I walked out the shop looking like a brand new person. I walked over to my car and hopped in. By now it was already 5 o'clock so I decided to go stop for something to eat. I pulled up to Taco Bell and got out since it was too many people in the drive through. Once I walked in I saw Tray and one of his lil hoes but I just smiled and walked up to the counter. I ordered my food and patiently waited while scrolling on Instagram.

My food was done so I grabbed my stuff and walked out the door as fast as I could.

"Wait Honesty" I turned around to a running Tray

"Yes ?" I smiled

" Why you ain't say hi to a nigga"

" Well I didn't wanna interrupt you and her" I rolled my eyes

"Look Honesty what happened before between us was a mistake, I don't wanna ruin our friendship" I shook my head

" Don't worry I don't like you either" I got in my car while slamming the door and sped off

And to believe I actually had feelings for him. I shed a tear but quickly wiped it away driving to my house. I pulled up there and got out getting my good. Honestly I don't even wanna eat anymore. I put my food on the counter and walked up to my room. I took my clothes off and put on some pajamas then tied my hair up. I climbed into bed and just fell asleep. Maybe tomorrow will be better.


Okay I have a reason to why I didn't update this weekend. I was sick like really sick and I'm very sorry I could not update but I did today even though it was a short chapter it was just a filler chapter to keep you guys updated. Next update will probably be on Thursday or Friday maybe tonight, it depends on the reads.Anyway get this to 120 reads and I will update.

HonestyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora