• chapter 25 •

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Honesty POV

3 months later

"Get the fuck off of me !!" I yelled at Tray while he pushed me back

We were having a good time until I saw the salty ass bitch from Chipotle. This bitch still wanted to fight 3 months later.

"Babe you gotta calm down she not even worth it" he tried to calm me down & it actually started working

"I told yo ass I was gon see you" she yelled from across the street

"Shut the fuck you, you a lousy ass bitch, still fighting over some dumb shit that happened months ago. Bored ass hoe" I yelled back to her then turned around I was done arguing with a pathetic ass bitch.

"You okay ?" Tray asked me while walking back to the car

"I'm fine just annoyed" I huffed getting into the car

"Why she come at you like that anyways ?" he took off to my house. My parents finally came back & I couldn't be happier

"Ariel threw chipotle at her because she got an attitude with her so of course I had to go take a picture & she said she was gon see me on the streets & that's what she meant" I shrugged at least I didn't get fucked up

"Alright well you held shit down but you don't need to be fighting" he pulled up in front of my house but he wasn't coming inside because he supposedly had something to do

"I know babe but I'll see you tomorrow" he grabbed my face & smashed his lips into mine. I grabbed his bottom lip in between my teeth, slowly letting go. I smirked at him before getting out the car.

"Bye baby" I closed the door walking up the steps to my house.

When I walked inside I heard Tray pull off & was met with my mom & dad sitting on the couch watching a movie.

"Hey baby girl" my mom looked up & smiled at me

"Hey mom" I waved at her & went upstairs to my room

I threw my stuff on the floor & hopped on my bed. I was lowkey exhausted fighting with the chipotle bitch but I wasn't gonna go to sleep just yet.

I was about to turn the tv on when my phone rang. I picked it up & it was Ariel.

"Hey bitchhh !" she yelled through the phone

"Hey wassup"

"Nothing I'm so bored. Shawn went out with Tray so I called you"

"So what I'm suppose to be your second option ?" I laughed "Come over anyways I need to put you on" she squealed then hung up the phone

I turned on my tv waiting for Ariel to come. Knowing her she'll get here in 2 minutes with her nosey ass.

"Honesty, Ariels here" my mom yelled from downstairs. See

I could hear her running up the stairs & I started laughing as she came running into my room

"Tell me tell me" I stopped laughing & looked at her

"I saw the girl from Chipotle, remember that day we went & you threw your food at her ?"

"Yeah what happen ?" she slapped my leg

"Don't try me but she wanted to fight me well we ended up fighting & of course I won"

"What the fuck, wasn't that like months ago. I swear bitches be bored" she shook her head "You better had beat the bricks out of her"

"I mean like I wasn't gon be the one getting my ass beat" we both laughed & started reminiscing about other things.



Told you guys I was gonna update this weekend. I think I'm gonna just start updating every weekend because that's when I have the most time if I'm not doing anything but yeah love you guys❤️ It's not edited

HonestyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora