• chapter 4 •

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Honesty POV

" Hello ?" I answered the phone to my mom talking. I was really late to school so I had to hurry and get dress

" I left some money on the counter for you after school. See you later, love you" she hung up after I said I love you back.

I sat down at my vanity and straightend my hair a lil more while thinking of what to wear. I put on light washed shorts, Adidas shirt and my roshe runs. I put some of my hair in a half up bun and let the rest down. I grabbed my purse and keys and headed out the door.

I opened the door to my school and went straight to my locker. I grabbed my books and put the rest of my things inside my locker. I closed it and walked straight to class even though we had like only 10 minutes left. I walked in and the first person I saw was Tray looking good as always. He licked his lips once he saw me and I smiled a lil. I'm suppose to be mad at him. I gave the teacher my late pass and sat down, writing whatever I had to write. are rest of the class I just sat down and thought. I barely understood what anybody was saying. My mind was on something completely different.

The bell rang and I got up, grabbing my things also too.

"Bestfriend" I turned around and saw Ariel and I smiled

"Hey girl" I gave her a hug and we started walking again

"Wassup with you, you seemed a lil out of it today" she laughed a lil but also seemed concerned

"Yesterday I saw Tray and this girl while I was at Taco Bell and -"

" Hold up bitch you ain't invite me" she shook her head

I laughed as we approached Mrs.Hayes classroom. I opened the door and we walked in.

"Shut up, anyway I was walking out the door and he called my name but I kept walking. He told me that when we kissed it was nothing and that he didn't want to ruin our friendship" I sighed as we sat down

"Ima have to talk to his long neck ass" she sat back in her seat and folded her arms

"No please don't. I'm just going to leave him alone. I don't even wanna see his face honestly" I rolled my eyes

Ariel POV

Yall obviously already know my name but in case you don't it's Ariel hoe. I'm 17, 5'3 and bestfriends with Honesty. I've known that girl for a long ass time and been through hell and back and thick and thin with that bitch. I have dark brown hair that's comes up to my waist and yes it's all mine. I'm also black and West Indian but mostly West Indian. I can get ghetto with you if I want to but other than that I'm a chill ass person.

Me and Honesty were sitting together at lunch until this bitch ass nigga Tray came and sat down.

"Fuck you doin over here" I asked him as he sat on the other side of the table

"Chill" he chuckled "I came to sit with ya" he looked at Honesty but she was just on her phone

" Well your not welcomed here, bye"

" It's like that now ?" he began to get up

"Yes nigga now keep walking" I rolled my eyes and finished eating my food "I'm ready to go Honesty" she looked up and got up but Tray pulled her

Honesty POV

"What do you want ?" I really did not have time for this

"I just wanna talk to you" I look at Ariel and she was waiting

" 1 minute" I began tapping my foot

" Honesty I'm sorry about what happened before I just didn't wanna ruin our friendship and I want us to go back to the way we were before"

"I honesty don't care . I mean like it's whatever" he pulled me in for a hug. Ah he smelled good and it felt nice to be in his arms

He let go and me and Ariel walked away. I looked back one more time and met his eyes. I put my head down and walked out the door.


Here's your chapter. 👌 I know it's short but I'm not in the mood right now and I tried my best and no it's not 1000 words

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