• chapter 17 •

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I'm backkkkk lol ! I had to take just a lil break from wattpad but I am so glad that when I logged back in I saw sooo many comments and votes.

Honesty POV
1 month later

"Babe stop playin and give me the remote" I was begging Tray to give me the remote because Basketball Wives was on.

"Hell no ian finna watch this shit" I snatched the remote out of his hand and laye back down watching tv.

He got off my bed and went into the bathroom. Finally some peace and quiet. So let me update you about my life. My mom and dad are coming home in 2 weeks from now and I am so happy about that even though I'm still staying with Ariel. Ariel and Shawn are together and I guess there doing good.

Now me on the other hand, Tray annoys the hell out of me but I feel like he's my everything. He makes me really really happy and I enjoy being around him.

"Can I get the remote babe" I looked at him like he had 20 heads and rolled my eyes

He grabbed my ankles and look at me

"You better not Tray" he winked at me and then pulled me by my ankles off the bed and grabbed the remote.

I threw the comb I had on my dresser at him. He better be lucky it didn't hit him. I climbed back into my bed next to him and folded my arms and pouted.

He looked over at me " awe poor baby" he pecked my lips and I instantly smiled and slapped him after that.

His smirk went away as I sat there and laughed at him.


The next morning me and Ariel were on our way to school. Me and her both was tired as hell from last night since we had to study.

When we pulled up to the school it was the same lame ass people that we see everyday. I don't know if it's just me but I get tired of seeing the same people everyday wearin the same shit. It aggravates me to the fullest. Tray already told me that he wasn't comin to school today so I guess I would have to be third wheeling with Ariel and Shawn. Yay !

Me and Ariel made our way inside and she went straight to Shawn. I pulled out my phone sighing since it vibrated.

Baby🔐❤️- G'morning beautiful. srry I couldn't make it hope you enjoy your day😘

I didn't reply back since I was just gonna call him at lunch. I walked into the classroom as everyone stared at me like I'm a fuckin alien or some shit. I sat down and immediately put my head down. I was not feeling today at all.


"Babeeeeeeeeeeee" i slung my arms around him since I was being annoying at the moment

"Honesty get the hell up and stop actin like you ain't got no sense" he chuckled and got up off the bed

I rolled my eyes and followed him into the kitchen. I continued to stare at him until he gave me some attention.

"May I help you ?" he opened the fridge

"Yes you may give me some of your attention" I slapped his arm and got up on the counter

I heard Ariel and Shawn walk into the house laughing and they soon walked into the kitchen.

"Hey bitches" I laughed cause she wasn't talkin to me

"Your not talkin to me sorry honey" I dramatically flipped my hair over my shoulder and walked out the kitchen of course with everyone following me

We decided on watched a movie since it was around 7 and we were all bored.


Yes guysss I'm back and better than ever. I have soooo many thoughts and ideas on this book lol  but here's you guys update another one will be coming by tomorrow morning of afternoon since I have

HonestyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt