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Gabi's POV "outfit up top"
"It's so crazy how there villains gabi" Hartley said

"yeah, you think they trust us... never mind are you sure they trust you." I say as I give her a look

"gabi, please I'm true they trust me" Hartley told me shaking her head at me

"Mhmm whatever you say big sis" I said

As we made it I opened the door with my telekinesis since they took too long as the door hit Amy in the face

"Good morning." Hartley says as we came in the house

"morning." I spoke

"Ow!" Amy said glaring at me ready to hit me but Jake stopped her

"sorry about that Amy." I say giving her an awkward smile

"So how are my favorite supervillains" Hartley exclaims

"Wait, wait, wait," mr Madden and Mrs Madden both say

I just went to sit next to Colby as I look at him

"I was up all night thinking about it and I have so many questions." Hartley shares with them

"Have you meet Captain Valor I heard his real name is Doug." Hartley also added

"And what about sparkle girl?" She asks

Okay, even I had questions but I'm not gonna over load them like Hartley does

"I heard she smells like truth, Justice and coconuts." Hartley tells them

"Hartley, we would love to answer all your questions but just now's not really the best time they're still, kind of, processing the fact that you two know our secret." Jake spoke

"Oh, what's wrong don't you trust me and gabi." Hartley asked them

I give her a dead stare when she said me and her

She ignored my stare

"Of course we do." Mr Madden said probably lying

"He's lying isn't he." I say

"Yep." Colby agreed

"Knew it" I mumbled

In fact we trust you so much we wanna lock you in a medium sized box and never let you out." Mr Madden says creepily

"Okay..."Hartley started to say signally me come on

I walk over there to her

"I'm gonna head out." Hartley spoke

As we left their house

"Told ya harts" I teased

"I still can't believe they don't trust me" Hartley says sadly

"They are supervillains harts plus they didn't even want us too know in the first place so.." I explained

"yeah yeah," she said

I then shrugged

Gabi's POV
I was in my chilling then I heard someone walking around as said okay, "I think this is Hartley's room" I heard a voice It sounded like Colby voice
I then opened the door from my room and saw Colby and Mrs Madden

"What you two doing" I yell a bit

"Ahh!" They yell

Then Colby saw it was me then sighed in relief

"sup, gabs." Colby started to say he flashed his dimples

I gave him the "tell me the truth" look

HIM, Colby MaddenWhere stories live. Discover now