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Gabi's POV
"Oh, And this time I made hundred clones of myself so I could rob hundred banks at once" Mrs Madden said telling us

"Cool!" I say listening as mr Madden gave me an nod

"Yeah, it was all fun and games gabi until one of his clones got weird forced to call him papa" Jake told us

That's weird

"What about that time I used my sonic scream to distract Captain Valor so Jake could crush him with a boulder" Amy brags

"That sounds Violent." Hartley says

"they are villains harts mostly everything is violent to them" I mumbled to her as Hartley gave an ah true nod

"It was" Amy agreed

"So where was Colby while your all of doing those horrible things" Hartley asked them

"With the babysitter" mr Madden said

"Wait, supervillains use babysitters" Hartley asks confused as much as I was

"Okay, fine we left him home to play with the rats" mr Madden admitted to us

"that's just cold" I said shaking my head as I looked at Colby he looked uncomfortable and sad I frowned when I saw that

"you okay Colbs" I ask him in a whisper voice

"I'm fine gabi" Colby spoke in a whisper voice back

"I'd say I'm horrified but from what I know about you that's pretty on brand." Hartley said

Then Colby started to speak

"Hearing these stories just remind me that I never got to be a villain" Colby stood up

"I waited my whole life to get my power so I can prove that I'm not just the run of the family" Colby added on

"And now I will never even get a chance to fight with the rest of you" Colby also said

"Yeah, that's rough who wants to do a puzzle?"Mr Madden asked trying to change the subject

Colby got up and went somewhere

I felt really bad for him really bad poor Colby

I went up to see where he was going I saw he was going in their lair

"Colby?" I spoke trying to see where he was at

I saw he was on a pipe sitting down

"Colby?" I say again walking over to him

"I'm not in the mood gabi" Colby says he head down

"Colby you can tell me anything." I told him

He sighed "I just wish I could help them and now that I do have my powers but I never could" he says

"Maybe, one day you can help them fight superheroes." I said

He looked at me "hopefully one day" Colby added

"Let's see what I can shape-shift into?" Colby stated

"Oh, I know" he said

He turned into a chainsaw?

"Stand back, superheroes or I'll chainsaw you." Colby ordered

"The superheroes must be really scared or you" I say joking

"not helping gabs" he spoke

"My bad" I said putting my hands up

He continued "as soon as I learn how to pull my own starter cord." Colby says

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