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Your outfit is up top is what you outfit for the day and for your date
Gabi's POV
It was around 3/4 when I started getting ready for my date since it was around about 5/6 I was so ready! I then heard my phone beep it was Colby

Beanie boy:
Hey gabs wyd he texted me I then bit my lip shit! I forgot to tell Colby about my date should I tell him?

Something much I'm just going to the arcade with a friend  I texted him

Oh cool what friend? He asked me uhh- I thought

Uh- I meet him when me and Hartley were walking over to your house I explained to him

Okayy well have fun with your friend Ig he texted me back

I will well see you later colbs I texted him

Bye gabs he texted me

I then put my phone on my bed I got up and dusted my skirt off it was rare that I wore skirts but since it was date you have to look the best right?

I then saw Hartley bust in my room which made me flinch

"Jesus Christ Hartley." I say since she came in my room a little bit too fast

"Hey little sis! so I'm going over to Amy's house since grandma's having her friends over and you know it get's ugly when they fight" Hartley stated which was true grandma could get very ugly when she doesn't get her money

"Oh yeah last time grandma didn't get her money and she went to go get her crowbar" We both shivered at the memory

"you look nice getting ready for your date huh? Hartley questions me as I smile at that

"Maybe..." I say As Hartley just smirks at that

"Well I better get going bye Gabi" Hartley said as she leaves

"Bye!" I say as she left

I then sighed as I looked at my outfit again and had a smile on my face again

I then heard a knock on the door it was definitely Miles! Then squealed at bit before going to the downstairs and then went down stairs and saw miles he had a smile on his face when he saw me so did I

Hey Gabi you look good- pretty good he says staring at me [Did y'all notice the reference?]

Then blushed at bit lThank you Miles you don't look bad yourself." I say as Miles had a grin on face when I said that

"Grandma I'm leaving!" I yelled to her

"Okay love you!" She shouted back

"Love you too!" I yelled back to her

"Shall we go?" he asked me

"We shall" I said as I checked to see if I had everything with me and I did we suddenly left my house

We suddenly made it too the arcade it wasn't really that far away so we walked there as then walked in there it was full of kids and adults with three kids playing games it looked so fun! I couldn't wait to start playing games now!

"Here we are the arcade" Miles said as I looked around one more time I love video games so much so I knew this was going to me fun

"I'm already excited!" I tell him which was the truth

"Then let's go get our cards!" He reminded me as he grabbed my hand to run over there they basically had cards which made us swipe the card for us to play the game which I liked it

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