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                    third person's POV
"All right it's Saturday I got a lot of nothing planned for today so let's get to it!" Amy says as she walks in the room.

"A lot of nothing? But look at all of the fun stuff on today's community calendar a car show, a line-dancing contest... a pie festival!" She exclaimed as Gabi's wasn't paying attention she was daydreaming about Colby.

"Ooh! All perfect for our father-son day, Jake Let's take a joyride to a line-dancing contest and start a pie fight." Vic told him which Jake of course didn't want to do.

"Or we can do something that doesn't ruin other people's good time." he insisted but Vic obviously didn't like that idea.

You're taking a lot off the table there." he replied back to him

"Hey? What's with Gabi?" Jake asks Hartley as she groans.

"I really don't know she's been doing that all day GABI!" She yelled which made gabi jump up.

"AH!" Gabi yells as she looked at and saw everyone staring at her.

"What?" she questioned since everyone was staring at her.

"you've been doing this all day what is up with you." Hartley asked her sister she was really confused what was going on with her.

"Nothing! definitely not thinking about Col- I mean I'm just gonna be quiet now." she said she almost blurted out that she was thinking about Colby.

"Great a fly got in I guess this is my entertainment for the day." she tells as she starts trying to hit the fly with this thing.

"Amy stop it's me Colby! I shape-shifted into a fly and now I have been stuck ever since." Colby explains as Gabi's cheeks grew red at his name.

"So your still gross but with wings." Amy asked.

"Pretty much." Colby agreed.

"Wait your a fly now? then why have I been talking too this ovenmitt all morning?" Vic questions.

"We just thought you were losing it." she spoke as Vic looks over too Jake.

"And I'm nice now so I didn't want to say anything." Jake told him.

Then Eva walks in

"Morning." She greeted everyone.

"Hey mom, what are you all dressed up for?" she asked.

"Well, I'm going to the community job fair at your school Mama's gonna join the work force!" Eva exclaims as she grabs a coffe cup for the cabinet.

"Why do you want a job? I mean, I get the money part, but don't they make you work, too?" Amy asked.

"Everyone in the family has found a place on this new lifts except me. I mean, you all go to school, your father's a substitute teacher... I used to be third in command of all villains and now I spend my day building castles out of tortilla chips." Eva speaks up as she showed them the tortilla chips castle.

"Spoiler alert: the drawbridge is my mouth." She says. As Amy looks at her weirdly.

"Good for you getting a job. Bad for whoever you work for, but good for you!" Hartley said.

"I'm glad you feel that way because you're both coming with me." She told them as I chuckled at her words.

"For moral support?" Amy questioned her mom.

"No, too show me where you're ur silly little stupid school is." Eva answered.

"Is that a fly?" Her hands then turn into lighting bolts. "I'll get him!"

HIM, Colby MaddenWhere stories live. Discover now