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Later that day:

"Am I too heavy or something?" I adjust myself on Xiao's shoulders, laughing as he moves as if wanting to chuck me across the sand. I grip him tighter around his neck with a yelp. "Asshole!"

"Do not question my strength, Traveler," he says, before I'm suddenly holding on for dear life as he sprints at ungodly speeds across the sand. I laugh and he looks back at me with a sinister grin. "See? Clearly I'm—"

"Xiao watch out!"

His head swings back in front of him, but it's too late. In front of him is a small hydro slime that charges at his legs. Naturally, he trips, knees locking up and body bouncing across it's squishy body. And where does that leave me? Well, where else but in the air. I'm launched from Xiao's shoulders and face plant the sand below. Those small, crunchy grains fill my nose, mouth and eyes, and I quickly stumble upright to wipe at them aggressively.

"Shit," I say, spitting repeatedly. "Damn, are you alright?!"

Xiao recovers quickly, the slime's soft body basically breaking his part of our fall. I watch as he takes out the small slime with a single blow, brushing himself off afterwards and jogging toward me.

"I think I should be asking you that question," he says, offering a hand, which I take. I stand, brushing myself off more as he helps. It's quiet for a moment, until we make eye contact and I immediately burst into uncontrollably laughter. Xiao tries his best not to laugh, but his face goes red as a fist covers his mouth, shoulders bouncing slightly.

"Well that was fun I guess," I say.

Xiao let's out a soft snort. "Sorry. Was that not what you meant when you said we have to keep things spicy sometimes."

My mouth drops, eyes darting into Xiao's. "Whoa, not you being funny!? I love this side of you. I want more of this." I poke his chest.

His smile drops and he rolls his eyes. "Whatever. Are you ready to relax by the water now."

I smile and take his hand, leading him to toward the glistening, still waters. We sit in the sand, the back of my head laid against Xiao's crotch as he leans back on his hands. We say nothing for a while, just listening to the calming nightly soundtrack of crickets and gentle waves against rocks with the warm breeze playing in our hair.

"This is nice," I finally say, breaking the silence. I look up at his upside down face that leans down to grab mine softly, leaving a sweet kiss on my lips.

"I miss you," Xiao says.

"I haven't gone anywhere yet."

"I know, but I know you will be, so I miss you already."

"Aw." I pout, then kiss him again. "Don't worry, I won't stay long. Like I said, I'll miss you too much."

"I wish I could come with you."

"You should," I say. "Take a break and come with me."

"You know I cannot do that."

"Why not?"

"Demons, Aether," he says. "Demons do not stop just because-"

"-Just because I have plans. Yeah yeah, I get it. But I mean, what's one day? You don't have to stay the whole time... just come with me to the party at least, right? Then you can go right back."


"Xiao. You need to live a little. It's okay to have fun sometimes. You are not a prisoner to your work."

"I am having fun right now," he says, leaning in to kiss me again, but I pull away, sitting up and looking into his eyes. His brows furrow, clearly unamused by my maneuver.

"No," I say. "I can't allow you to be prisoner to this one area your whole life. Liyue is great, but you need to take a vacation and explore the rest of the world sometimes. It's literally just one day, Xiao. I promise you everything here will be fine, they have Morax. Yeah he's retired or whatever, but I'm sure he can handle things if they go south. There's also the other adepti, and the qixing. One day, Xiao. Please, for me?"

Xiao stares at me, eyes bouncing between mine. He bites his lip, then narrows his view to the side. "F-fine, Aether. I will do this for you and you only. But I am not staying. And if anything happens here while I'm gone, it is your fault."

I put up my hands. "I will take the blame." I smile, grabbing him into my arms and squeezing tight. "I'm so excited. Thank you my love." I pull away slightly to give him kisses to which he returns.

"It's only because I love you," he says, and I chuckle at his cute little angry tone.

"You loving me is the best thing ever," I say. "I love you too. I'll make it worth your while."

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