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My body trembles, sweaty hands reaching for the door to leave a nice, hardy knock, before holding my breath as I wait for an answer. Only about a minute later, I hear it unlock, and I've never been so nervous to see a ginger harbinger in my life.

"Yo, what's up Aether?" Childe gives me more of a concerned look rather than inviting. I try to act normal, raising a hand for a polite wave.

"Hey Childe," I say. "Uhh, might I come in?"

"Is everything alright?" He's still got the door slightly cracked as if I'm there to rob him. "Where's Xiao?"

"He working at the moment," I say. "I'm actually here to speak to you and Zhongli."

Childe pauses for another moment, before finally opening the door fully and stepping aside. "Alright then," he says. "Come on in."

Childe shuts the door behind us and leads me to the living room, where Zhongli is sat beside his wheelchair on the sofa. He looks up as we make our presence know, giving me a smile.

"Oh, Traveler," he says, his turn for a polite wave. "How are you this evening?"

"Doing well, thank you," I smile back. "And yourself?"

"Wonderful." Zhongli motions to a spot beside him on the sofa, and I take the hint. Childe follows suit, distancing himself slightly, that concerned look still lingering at his brows.

"So what did you need to talk about, Aether?" Childe says. "Is Xiao alright?"

"Yeah nooo he's fine!" I put my hands up. "No, no it's nothing bad, don't worry. I mean... it is very serious though." The relaxed look that took hold only lasted for a second before he was right back to it, now shifting in his seat.

"Spit it out dude," he says.

"Right." I clear my throat, trying my best not to look at Childe and focus more on Zhongli. "So... me and Xiao, we've been together for quite a while now. We are definitely very much in love, and we've conquered basically all of our obstacles and came out of them stronger than ever. And to me, that means that we have a bond that I believe can never be broken..."

Zhongli's eyes light up, and he sits up a bit more, turning his body toward me more. "Go on..." he says. My eyes flicker quickly to Childe, who's legs are now crossed in a very intimidating CEO pose, so I go back to looking at Zhongli.

"So," I say. "I am in love with your son. I'm so in love with him, Zhongli... Uh, Childe... and I... I can see a future with him. I want him for the rest of my life. So... I wanted your blessing to marry your son. Uh, both of your blessings, of course." I hesitantly eye Childe again, who is now in a still-very-intimidating thinking pose, aggressively picking at his lip and looking in the distance.

"Aether," Zhongli says, "that is amazing news. Wow, what a wonderful thing. Congratulations for having felt as though you found someone you love enough to marry. I really appreciate you coming to us with this. Having raised Xiao, I can confidently say, I haven't seen him this happy in a very, very long time. I myself am thrilled for him to end up with someone like you, Aether. You of course have my blessing."

A smile spreads across my face, and I can't help but hug the man tight. "Thank you so much, Zhongli. I promise I won't let your son down." He chuckles, returning the hug, before we pull away and the both of us eye the ginger man across the way.

"Childe?" Zhongli says in an are you going to say anything tone.

"You know," Childe says, "you guys really haven't actually been together for that long."

Here we go...

"I know," I say, "but I've known him for years. We've always had something there. Xiao...he was just afraid to pursue anything in fear that he'd hurt me."

"So what makes you think he won't now?"

"Childe." Zhongli gives him a stern look, shaking his head. "You're just as much of a father to him as I am, but when I tell you, I know Xiao more than anyone that's ever lived—I know that Aether is very special to him. I've never seen him this way before. He's happy, Childe. Isn't that what you've wanted for him for a long time too?"

"I do," Childe says. "Of course I want him happy. Why wouldn't I? I'm just making sure that now is the right time is all. I have nothing against you, Aether. Really. I just want to make sure that you're making the right decision."

"I understand," I say. "I appreciate your concern, but...I do feel like this is the right decision and the right time."

"You don't think you should maybe wait a little longer?" Childe says, that concerned look now a bit more stressed.

"Nonsense," Zhongli says. "If you know, you know. As a former god—might I remind you all—I have a great feeling about this. I believe you two are soulmates destined for one another."

The worry I was starting to feel quickly dissolves after that statement, and the big smile returns. "Hearing that means a lot coming from you," I say. "Thank you."

Zhongli waves a hand. "No need. And Childe, if I'm not mistaken, I'm pretty sure you and I got engaged after only a year of dating. And look at us now. Still together after how many years?"

Childe sighs, finally relaxing a bit on the sofa. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be the killjoy here. I'm happy for you two, I am. You know, I'm his dad too. I just... it's like giving my kid away. I'll miss him and whatever... But, yeah, I guess you're right. When you know you just know I suppose. Alright kid, you got my blessing too."

I have to stop myself from kicking my feet like a damn schoolgirl, but I can't hide my shit-eating grin. "Thank you, Childe," I say, now scooting over to give him a hug as well. "Thank you so much. I'm seriously over the moon right now. But, also very nervous."

Zhongli laughs. "Well I'll tell you one thing, you won't be needing to buy a ring, so that's one less thing to worry about." I give a confused look, and he winks. "Traveler, dear, I was the Geo archon. I have had a ring made of only the finest of gems for this very moment for years."

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