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7pm the next day: 1 hour before the party:


Xiao and I practically go flying when Itto bursts through the bedroom door. I immediately grab the covers to shield Xiao's and my naked bodies that are linked together in a...certain area.

"Itto!" I yell, "do you knock?!"

"I-I- oh my gosh," Itto says, a hand slapping his eyes shut as he feels around for the door handle. "I-I'm, I'm—my bad guys...I'm just uh, gonna leave, like right now." He finally grabs the handle and pulls the door shut slowly. "But uh, just so you know, you guys should proooobably wrap up whatever you're doing in here kinda quickly... the party is in like an hour ya know. Just saying. Uhhh, okay, yeah, right, leaving."

He quickly closes the door, and Xiao and I let out the breaths we were holding in. I look down at him to find I'm not the only one red in the face. I laugh, until I realize Xiao's not even smiling.

"What?" I say as he looks up at me with disappointment.

"It stopped," he says.

"What stopped?"

"The cum," he grumbles. "It was about to come out, then I looked at him and it stopped."

For some reason, I burst out laughing at that. "Don't worry baby," I say, then lean down to suck at his neck for a moment, before trailing back to his lips. I can bring it back right now."

"Wait," he says, and I pull away slightly to look at him, confused. "I want to...switch again."

I blink at him, then smirk. "So you liked that last night, huh? Being in charge."

He nods. "It feels just as good, if not better."

"I see. Okay then." I pull out from him and he moans in response. I roll over next to him, arms sprawled above my head and legs spread. Xiao immediately crawls on top of me, looking down at me with animal-like eyes. "Go ahead, demon boy," I tease. "Conqueror me."

"It's what I do," he says, giving me a small smirk before sliding himself inside of me. I moan out, gripping the pillow beneath my head. Once he's in, he doesn't hold back—but he doesn't need to, because we're both already there from before we were rudely interrupted.

"Ahh, fuck yeah," I moan, as I watch Xiao through cloudy vision thrust into me roughly. The feral look in his eyes turns me on more, and before I know it, I'm throwing my head back and crying out in pleasure. He pants above me, breaths heavy as he claws into the head board behind me.

"Fuck, I'm cumming!" he moans. "I'm...aaghh.."

When he finishes, so do I, squirting my seed all over his chest, before he collapses on top of me. Both of us lay there catching our breaths. My hands snake around his waist, rubbing gently.

I'm finally able to breathe out a quick, "how was that?" to which he kisses me in response.

"Satisfying," he says softly. "Very satisfying."


The music is loud as the three of us step onto the beach area rented for the party.

"Well well well," Itto says, nodding his head and looking around, "full house, look at that? Looks like all of Inazuma decided to show up, niiiice. Oh, there it is boys—the food table. Care to join me? Huh?! I know you guys must have worked up an appetite, am I right?" He nudges my shoulder, and I immediately feel embarrassed remembering that he definitely saw my ass. "HAHAH I'm totally messing guys. Hey, it's normal! I think.... Don't worry so much, look, I am a very understanding guy, I swear. Don't even sweat it, alright? Now come on you crazy love birds, I hear the punch bowl is spiked!"

Itto beelines his way to the rhythm of the upbeat music, and the two of us trail behind.

"Ohohoho look at this!" Itto says as he reaches for a ladle. "They put lavender melons in a stew? That's a thing?! Get out." He raves about the food, putting one of just about everything that doesn't contain beans on his plate. His talking becomes background noise as I turn to Xiao.

"Are you gonna eat?" I say, but before he could speak, Itto turns to him with a plate in his face.

"Uh, h-hey Litt-Xiao..." he says. "I uh, made sure they had some almond tofu here for you, you know, since I remember you saying you don't really eat anything else when we were at dinner that...night... I mean you don't have to take it, I just figured you probably wouldn't eat anything else here and uh, yeah, I didn't want to leave you out. So I called them last night to add that to the list for ya. Figured I'd do something nice I guess to make up for the uh... thing the other day. And uh... yeah that's pretty much it."

Xiao eyes the plate of almond tofu, then Itto, and my eyes bounce between them. Finally, Xiao slowly takes the plate for his hands.

"Thank you," he says softly.

"That was so nice of you, Itto," I smile.

"Aww hey, any time," Itto says. "A friend of the traveler is a friend of mine, you know? So Xiao, this your first party?"

He shakes his head. "I have been to several parties my father hosted. But I don't ever attend for long."

"Ahh not much of a partier I see," Itto shrugs. "Ah well, I guess it's not for everyone. But no worries my small introverted friend, you're standing next to Arataki Itto—THE ultimate life of every party ever known to mankind! And with this title—and trust me, they're not just giving this title out to anyone—it is my duty to guarantee you a totally awesome, one-of-a-kind experience you'll never forget NOW CAN I GET A—"

"Psst, Itto, 12:00!" I smack his arm quickly and he turns in... a direction. I sigh. "12:00 Itto, not 7:50." I turn him myself and watch as his eyes light up.

"Pfft, well duh of course he's here!" he says. "I told you he was coming silly, remember?"

Gorou isn't dressed in his usual outfit, but instead wearing a black button up shirt that's only buttoned in two places, showing off his chest and lower stomach, along with a sleek pair of jeans and black dress shoes.

I shake Itto by the arms. "Go talk to him!"

"Wh—right now?"

"Yes!" I say. "Go get him."

"Uhhh, I don't know he looks busy..."

I blink. "He's literally standing there by himself—BY HIMSELF—with a drink in his hand. Now is literally your chance."

"Riiight..." Itto scratches his head, staring at Gorou from across the way.

"Oh wow," I say, taking a step back and placing a hand at my hip, "is THE Arataki Itto...afraid of something?"

"W-what? Me?! Pfftt...nah, no way! Arataki Itto isn't afraid of some...cute... doggy general that...looks like an absolute model right now... U-uhh.. yeah, no. Not me! Challenge accepted compadre. Step aside. Sit back and watch a real smoooooth Casanova work his Oni magic."

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