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"What... what's going on...?"

Xiao's eyes raid the hospital room, confusion painted over his face as he glances down at the IV attached to his arm.

"Xiao..." I say softly, voice cracking and eyes blurry with tears. "You're awake." I smile big, bringing his hand to my chest just to feel him close. He looks at me, breaths heavy, and an expression of relief washes over him.

"You... you didn't disappear," he says. "You're you..."

My brows raise a bit. "Oh no...Are you...okay?" I say, panic rising again at the thought of what a concussion could lead to. "Do you know who I am?"

"Aether," he says, and my heart skips a beat at the way my name leaves his lips. "My fiancé."

This time, my heart skips for another reason. My lips instantly part, face going red as my eyes search quickly in his.

"W-what?" I say. Xiao watches me closely, before reaching out his arms to me. The look on his face is of pure desperation—like if I don't hug him immediately, he'll combust. And who am I to decline such an offer? No hesitation, I'm in his arms, face buried in his neck. The tears come naturally, and before I know it, I'm balling my eyes out, soaking the rim of his gown.

He's crying too—I can feel his shoulders bounce softly, shaky fingers clawing at my back, too afraid to let go. I don't want him to. I never want him to let go again. I have no shame as the nurse comes in to find me laid out over him audibly sobbing. She politely waits for me to notice, before I pull back and allow her to run her checks while sitting on the side trying to hold it together.

By the time she leaves, my eyes are still red, cheeks still wet, and I'm wiping away the remaining sniffles. I get in closer once more, and immediately take his hands. As if on cue, just touching him again like this causes the waterworks to start up once more.

"I... I thought I lost you..." I say through my shakes. "I'm... I'm so...happy you're alive. Don't ever... don't ever scare me like that again, please..."

I watch a tear roll down Xiao's cheek as he rubs the back of my hands with his thumbs, so gently. "I'm sorry," he says. "I was... scared. I was being selfish. I had a dream that I...lost you too. I know what it feels like now—what I did to you. It's not a good feeling, at all. I don't want to ever make you feel like that again, Aether. I'm so sorry."

I shake my head. "Fuck, that's all... that's whatever right now. Just...just don't ever almost die again!"

"Right," he says. "I'll be sure to get the job done fully next time."

"Asshole." I roll my eyes, but can't help the smile that creeps at the corners of my lips. He smiles at me too, and I feel myself melting away. I'm shaking, but this time it comes from a different set of emotions. "Um...so. When you woke up, you called me your..."

"Aether..." he interrupts.


"I... while I was out, I realized something."

"What did you realize, Xiao?" I lean in closer, searching his eyes, wanting so badly to kiss him quiet again but fighting the urge.

He places a gentle hand on my cheek, wiping away the remaining tears as his eyes glide from my lips slowly back into my eyes. "...I realized, letting someone as special and as beautiful as you go, would be the most foolish thing I've ever done."

My hand lands on the one he placed on my cheek, eyes desperate in his, body still shaking. "What are you saying, Xiao?"

He slowly leans in closer, and both our eyes close together, lips parting until they land softly again each others. Oh, to feel those soft lips on mine—so passionate, so incredible. I lean into them more, wanting to feel every second of them, before he gently pulls away ever so slightly, leaving me wanting more.

He pauses, eyes focused closely in mine. "I love you, Aether," he whispers. "Fuck, I love you more than anything. And all I want is to spend the rest of my life with you. Please, marry me."

( ...... *walks into room v late nonchalantly sipping tea before eyeing you guys staring at me with pitch forks* ".....heeey....how ya'll doing...."  Hahahaha.... Ha.... Soooo.... Uhhhh...hi guys..... I'M SORRY ALRIGHT? GEEZ. Life's been busy as all hell, spare me! I've also gone through a depression and had fuck all motivation to write. Forgive me for the lack of an update. (It's been 3 months btw, not a year tyvm 😤) but alas my loves, I am back with the last few chapters! Tysm for being patient and enjoying this story, it means a lot! TO BE CONTINUED)

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