chapter three: conrads confession

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I woke up with a large pounding in my head, probably due to last nights events at the bonfire. I couldn't remember to much of what happened, but I do remember meeting a Billy. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips at the thought of him. I got out of bed and made my way to the window to open my curtains to see that it was still pretty early. I changed into a simple white athletic tank top, and put on some black shorts to match it. I grabbed Conrad's hoodie that was hanging on my door handle and threw it on as I made my way downstairs. I smiled at the warmth it brought me. No one was up yet so I decided to go sit on the beach for a while, but when I got to the beach someone was already there. Conrad.

He must have heard me coming so he turned around and gave me a smile. I returned the gesture and made my way to sit beside him on the sand. "How's your head?" Conrad laughed as he nudged my shoulder. "It hurts" I replied, "What about you?" I questioned back to him. "What do you think" He asked, he went to put a cig in his mouth, while he smirked my direction waiting for my response . I only laughed and held my hand out to say that I wanted one as well. He pulled the pack back out of his pocket and handed me one. We sat in silence for a while until my younger sister ran down the beach and sat beside me. I looked at the smile she wore on her face this morning, "what's got you smiling so big this morning?" I questioned. "Last night was amazing" Billy responded but was quickly interrupted by Conrad "a shit show, you know your going to have a black eye right?" He gestured to her eye. I turned to look and it looked like it already had become the color purple. "Hey Conrad, do you remember anything from our talk last night?" Belly asked as she waited his response. "I always remember everything when im drunk" Conrad responded dryly as he took an inhale of his cigarette. What talk? "What did you two talk about last night?" I questioned curious to know what it was about, but before Belly could say anything Conrad shot her a glare and she shut up. I decided to ignore it not wanting to cause an argument between Conrad and I again. Conrad pulled out another cigarette for us and I took it in my hand while he brought out the lighter. "Can I have a puff?" Belly asked, I laughed in response as Conrad told her no but Belly only kept saying yes. "Laurel would kill me" Connie laughed, but Belly gestured to me smoking with a shocked face. Conrad and I started to laugh while Belly said "If I can't smoke you two can't smoke." She rolled her eyes at me. "Hey do you guys want to go pick up some of the Good Muffins before everyone gets up" Conrad smiled as he hoped Belly and I would agree to go, But Belly began to stand up "Um, I actually have somewhere I need to be" she started to run off but I quickly shouted "Where are you going Bells?" I laughed. "To the docks" She responded before continuing running off. That's when I recalled Billy and I's conversation from last night.

"I actually work at the docks with my cousin cam, you should stop by sometime"

I started to stand up and run after Belly, but didn't make it far as my arm was pulled back down. Conrad gave me a frown "Where are you going?" He asked. "Im sorry maybe another time Connie, Ill see you later" I shouted after him and I ran up to the house to try and catch Belly before she left. Belly started to peddle off but I shouted after her "Wait, Bells Im coming with, there's someone there I want to see!" I mounted my bike and rode off to catch up with her. "Who?" Belly questioned with a smirk, "I guy I met at the bonfire last night works there" I laughed as I started to peddle off to the docks, with Belly close behind.

We finally made it to the docks, but we were to late. We ran to the end of the dock to see that the boat had already gone. "Can I help you?" someone asked from behind us. I turned around to be met with Billy who had a growing smile on his face. "Why yes I was actually looking for someone" I laughed while making my way over to him. Before anything else could be said Belly came up behind me "Who's that?" She questioned. "Oh right sorry, Belly this is Billy, the boy from the campfire, and Billy this is Belly, my sister." I gestured to the two as I introduced them. Billy and Belly smiled and nodded, but Billy's face went to realization. "Oh your the girl Cam was talking about?" Billy laughed. "Cam talked about me?" Belly asked with a smile starting to form on her face. I saw Belly talking with a boy last night, and Im guessing it was the same boy she was smiling about now. I smiled at Belly loving to see her happy. "Yeah, but you just missed him, I can tell him you came by if you'd like?" Billy asked. "Yeah that would be nice" I responded, "Thank you billy" Belly added. "Do you guys need a ride home? You can just put your bikes in the back?" Billy gestured to his car behind us. "Yeah sure that would be nice" Billy grabbed Belly and I's bikes and put them in the back of the car as we climbed in.

Conrad's POV:

"Im sorry Connie maybe another time, I'll see you later!" Izzy yelled back at me as she made her way up to the house. Why did she want to go to the docks so bad? What was so important about the damn docks? I rolled my eyes, and grabbed my cig pack and lighter and shoved them into my jacket pocket. I really wanted to spend time with Izzy this summer. I wanted to tell her how I really felt about her. I made the mistake of drunkenly telling Belly about my feelings towards the blonde last night. I rolled my eyes at the memory, why did I tell her fifteen year old sister.


After I put Izzy in her room I made my way to Belly's room, I wasn't sure why but I let my feet lead the way. I knocked on the door and was welcomed in by a confused Belly. "Yes Conrad?" She gave me a puzzled look as I laid myself on her bed. "I think I like your sister" I slurred. I regretted it as soon as it came out of my mouth. "You what?" Belly said in a shocked tone, "Conrad are you shitting me right now?" Belly came over and grabbed my arms to sit me up right, only to see the annoyed expression on my face. "No i am not shitting you" I stated flatly. "Wait then why are you with Nichole?" Belly grimaced at me, "Distraction" I fired back. Belly started to pace around her room as she scolded me, "Okay well have you told Lizzy how you felt?" I shook my head no and that just made her talk more. "Conrad you should, I mean you two, it would make so much sense. You guys are destined to be together" she said as she raised her hands up in a dramatic way. "Yeah but I'm not good enough for her" I said as I laid back down onto Belly's bed. "Not good for her?" Belly asked in disbelief. "Yeah not good for her, Izzy deserves a guy who can give her everything she wants, whenever she needs it, Im a fuck up, I fucked up my football career, fucked to my dad and I's relationship and Izzy is the one person I don't want to fuck up. It might be to late already, She was talking with that Billy dude." I rolled my eyes at the thought of him. He didn't give me a good vibe. Belly came over to me and pulled my arms to sit me up again. She looked me in the eyes to make sure I was listening to what she was going to say. "Conrad, have you seen the way she looks at you. Have you seen the way her smile gets bigger when you walk into a room? Who cares about Billy, tell her how you feel before she has time to consider Billy." I thought about what Belly said. Yeah maybe I made her happy then. I was deferent now. I wasn't the same Conrad. "Yeah" I decided to agree not to have this conversation go on any further. "Goodnight Belly" I mumbled as I walked out of the door. I made my way back into my room and shut my door a little louder than I should have.

*end of flashback*

I made my way back into the house to see that everyone else was up now and in the kitchen. I went over to the couch and laid down trying to relieve my pounding head. Jeremiah walked over to the couch and looked down at me, "you look like shit" he laughed. "Thanks" I rolled my eyes and turned around away from him. "Since i am a great brother Ill make you my famous hangover smoothie" Jer said as he made his way back into the kitchen. "Thanks" I mumbled. I heard a door open and there was Belly and Izzy, I smiled at the sight of Izzy. The way her blonde hair fell past her shoulders and the way her eyes crinkled when she smiled. My smile soon faltered as I saw Billy come up behind her and place his hand in hers. He pulled her back towards the door and started to talk to her. What does he want with my girl? Belly's voice flashed in my head again.

"Tell her how you feel before she has time to even consider Billy"

If only it was that easy I thought

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