chapter four: surfboard

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Izzy's pov:

We pulled into the rocky driveway and Belly said a quick thank you to Billy before running towards the house. "Thank you for taking us" I said as I started to unbuckle my seat belt. "Yeah it was no problem" Billy smiled. "Here I'll get the bikes" He said as he made his way to the back of the car to retrieve them. We grabbed the bikes and put them inside the garage. "Here let me walk you to your door" Billy asked, "what a gentleman" I joked as we made our way to the house. We stepped inside the door, but before I could walk off I was stopped by Billy grabbing my hand and forcing me to turn around. "Yes?" I questioned with a small smile. "So I was wondering if you wanted to grab dinner tonight?" Billy asked with a small smile. "I would love that thank you" I gave his hand a squeeze before he turned around and walked out of the door.

I made my way to the kitchen but was stopped when I saw Conrad laying on the couch. "Hangover finally got to you huh?" I laughed as I ruffled his hair. "Mhm" was all he said back. Why was he upset? I knelt down beside the couch so that I was eye level with him. "How this afternoon, we go for a surf like we used to? Just me and you?" I asked with hope he would say yes. His down cast mood changed into a hopeful one, "yeah of course" he said while smiling. "Alright I'm gonna go see what's going on in the kitchen" I stood up and went into the kitchen and found Jeremiah complaining about the pictures Susannah paints of us every year. "Do we really have to physically sit for our portraits? Can't she just like, look at a picture on her phone or something?" He complained. I laughed at the suggestion knowing my mom was going to fire back. I made my way to go and sit beside her and find something to eat. "She needs to see you in the flesh in order to capture your essence, while your still young and full of hope" my mom said as she was looking at something on her computer. Jer, Steven and I all made eye contract, which only resorted in laughter. Jeremiah looked over to Conrad "Conrad does not have hope actually he is hopeless, but my hangover smoothie cures all, doesn't it Izzy?" Jeremiah nodded towards me. "Works miracles" I stated as I made my way over to the sink to wash my bowl. Conrad was loosing his patience, "could you please just hurry up." I made my way over to Conrad gesturing for him to move over so I could lay with him. I climbed onto the couch and laid my head onto his chest. It was normal for me and Conrad to be like this, so no one usually questioned it. Jeremiah started to work on Conrad's smoothie, resulting in the blender going off and Connie covering his ears. Jeremiah soon brought over Conrad's smoothie and handed it to him. "Hey Izzy you should come over to the country club later and check it out" Jer looked down at me with a hopeful smile. "Yeah maybe tomorrow, I was thinking about applying to be a lifeguard." I said, which resulted in Jeremiah giving me a grin that reached to his ears. "Wait that's awesome, we could spend more time together!" Jer exclaimed, but was met with a huff from Conrad, "Your seriously gonna work this summer Iz?" I looked at Conrad "Yeah, a little doe never hurt anyone, and besides I thought it would be fun." I smiled. Before Conrad could answer Belly walked in and my mom started to question her "Belly where have you been? Is that a bruise?" She asked. Belly sighed "I just ran into someone" she rolled her eyes. "She was with me mom we went on a bike ride" I said from my spot with Conrad. Belly smiled to say thank you. Susannah then entered the kitchen to announce to everyone that Belly was going to be a deb. I smiled, glad that my sister was trying new things this summer. I looked over to Conrad, "Hey I'm going to go put on my suit and I'll meet you at the beach." I sat up from my spot with Conrad, "yeah, okay me too" He said as we both made our way upstairs to change.

Once I got in my room, I threw on a simple read bikini, and grabbed a towel. I braided my hair quickly and headed down to the shed behind the house where we keep the surfboards. Conrad was already waiting for me with our boards. Conrad handed me the short board knowing it was my favorite. Conrad and I made our way down to the beach and threw our towels on the sand. "Wanna make this interesting?" I questioned him with a smile. "How so?" He responded leaning his elbow on his board, while he looked down at me. "Last one to catch a wave does the others chores for the week" I laughed. "Your on!" Conrad said as he started to run to the water. "Hey no fair!" I shouted as I struggled to keep up with him. We both paddled out waiting for a wave. Conrad started to laugh, I let out a breathy laugh wondering what he was laughing about, "what's so funny Connie?" I questioned, he looked up at me and answered, "Do you remember the summer we tried to give Steven surfing lessons?" He laughed, I laughed along with him at the memory. One summer Steven wanted to impress a girl, who he had told he knew how to surf. Later on she found out he had lied to her and she dumped him. "Yeah I remember" I responded. "I really missed you Fisher." I said as I looked up to a smiling Conrad. "I really missed you to Conklin" He responded with a smile. I saw a wave out of the corner of my have, "Not as much as your about to miss this wave" I stated as I started to paddle ahead. "What wave-" but before Conrad could finish I had already stood up on my board.

     I waited on the beach for Conrad to ride in, and when he made it back I was already dry. We had already been out here, almost all day"Looks like I'm going to be doing your chores for a week" Conrad said walking closer to me. "I love you and all but stay away because I'm already dry I laughed",that only made Conrad smirk and come closer. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. Before I knew it Conrad ignored my protest and picked me up over his shoulder and headed back to the water. Ignoring my protest he submerged both of us in the water. I came back up only to splash him, he only splashed back which resulted in a splashing war. I let out a sigh "okay truce, truce" I laughed as I put my hands up in surrender. Conrad laughed as he moved closer to brush the hair out of my face. I looked up into his eyes and back down to his lips. He was closer now, Conrad started to slowly lean down to kiss me, but was interrupted by the timer on my watch telling me it was time to head back to get ready for my date with Billy. We jumped apart at the sound, "Shit, Billy" I sighed as I made my way out of the water and started to gather my things. Conrad followed soon after, "what about billy?" He questioned with an annoyed tone. I mentally cursed myself and slowly turned around to face him, "he's talking me to dinner tonight at the diner." I said, now wishing I was spending my night with Connie instead. A small "okay" was muttered from Conrad's mouth as we both made our way back to the house. As I was walking back to the house I started to replay what almost happened a few minutes ago,What the Fuck, Conrad and I almost kissed.

In an awkward silence Conrad and I made our way up to the house. Once we got there we noticed Susannah was home getting things ready for our portraits. Conrad turned to face me and put a finger to his to tell me to be quiet. I giggled at him, knowing how much he hated getting his portrait done. Slowly taking our shoes off we tried to make it to the stairs without Susannah seeing us, it didn't work.

"Honey?, and Izzy?" She called looking over her book at us. "Hey Conrad?", Conrad sighed and answered "Yeah?" Susannah tried to hide her smile from her son "could you change and meet me Outback? I want to paint your portrait first" She smiled. I laughed at Conrad's face knowing I got out of this one. "Why me and not Izzy?" Conrad questioned in disbelief. "Because I already know of Izzy's plans" Susannah laughed as she put her book down and made her way to her painting supplies. Conrad sighed, "I have things to do to mom." Susannah took a breath before saying, "I think you could spare some time for your mom". Conrad looked back at me, and I gave him a small smile already knowing where his mind wondered to when she said that. "Yeah sure" he replied turning back to his mom. I made my way upstairs to hopefully get a shower and maybe sneak a nap in before my date with Billy tonight.

Conrad's pov:

I tried to sit still as my mom was painting my picture, but my hair kept falling into my face. I brushed it out off my face and my mom continued to work on my portrait. My mind started to wonder off and think about Izzy and I's almost kiss. Im starting to think the universe hates me and gives me nothing but bad luck. Before I could think on it more my mom spoke up. "So how's Nichole?" She questioned, I sighed not wanting to talk about it, "mom could we not do this?". She gave me a hurt look, so I quickly went to reassure her, "like no, uh, you asked me to come sit for this portrait, and I'm here,and I'm sitting, and I'm more than happy to be here" I sighed before continuing, "but can we not make this a bonding experience please?" I laughed, "well excuse me for trying to connect with my son before he leaves for a year" She smiled, before continuing to work on my portrait. My mom looked back up to me "I saw you and Izzy surfing from the porch this morning" She smiled at me. My mom has this idea I like her, and I do, Im just never going to admit it to my mom. I only rolled my eyes and slouched remembering that she was going on a date tonight with Billy. My mom put her brush down and sighed, "Look, I can't stop you from having fun this summer, but no more sleeping until two, and no more day drinking." I had began to grow the habit of drinking when I needed to get my mind off of things, and I could tell it upset my mom. "Okay" I agreed with her and decided to sit still to finish this portrait for her.

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