chapter eight: girls day

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I woke up the next morning feeling great, besides the pounding headache I had from my hangover. I turned around to face Jeremiah to see that he was already smiling at me. Jeremiah picked his hand up to brush the hair out of my face, "hey" he said in a whisper, I laughed at his awkwardness, "hey" I whispered back.

Jeremiah and I split our ways, agreeing not to tell anyone about last night. We wanted to figure it out first. I went to the bathroom and got in the shower. As I was in the shower I couldn't stop thinking about Conrad, how I felt about him, but it was obvious I felt something for Jer to. I sighed as I turned the shower off and stepped out. I wrapped a towel around my waist and my hair, and started to brush my teeth. I entered my room and closed the door. Walking to my closet I picked out a simple brown tube top, with a pair of light wash shorts to match. I put on my Birkenstocks and made my way downstairs to grab something to eat. I saw that no one was here, everyone must have left already but I was wrong, Conrad entered the kitchen but paused when he saw me.

I didn't think Conrad was going to talk to me, but I was wrong. Conrad poured a bowl of cereal and sat next to me at the counter, "How was light night?" He questioned with an annoyed tone. I almost spit my milk out of my glass at his words, did he know? Im going to play dumb, "I mean the party was great, and the sleep" I smiled trying to hide my guilt. Conrad spoke up, "You don't have to hide the fact you slept with my brother last night", he sighed before making his way over to the sink to place his bowl down. I looked up at him, "Conrad we were both drunk, okay? We don't know what it meant, we were both drunk" I said trying to convince him, and myself. Conrad poked the inside of his mouth with his tongue before speaking, "Sure" , he said as he put both elbows on the counter and looked at me. I looked at him in disbelief, was he seriously mad at me about Jer when he's been sleeping with Nichole all summer? "Conrad, I'm tired of fighting okay?" I sighed, standing up making my way over to him. He stood up and put his hands in his pockets, "me too, look crashing your date wasn't cool, and Im sorry," he paused before taking my hand in his, "I don't want to fight with you anymore Izzy" he said, waiting for my response. I gave him a small smile, "Me too, and I forgive you, Im sorry to, about Jer" I sighed, Conrad embraced me in a hug, "Don't apologize, I can't say anything to you when I've been doing the same thing with Nichole all summer." He sighed stroking my hair with his hand. Tears started to pool in my eyes, was Conrad Fisher ever going to be mine? Was the fighting ever going to stop?

Conrad had left about twenty minutes ago, and Susannah appeared in the front door. "Hey Susannah!" I smiled as she made her way over to the couch to sit beside me, her smile matched mine, "You and I are going to have a girls day and go dress shopping for the deb ball" She smiled taking her hand in mine, before continuing, "we could also get lunch and catch up, I feel like we haven't had much time together all summer" She sighed. "I would love nothing more" I laughed as she embraced me in a hug.

Susannah and I had been in this bridal store forever. I sighed walking about with yet another dress she didn't agree with, "Im just not feeling this one either" she sighed going to look for another one, I sighed going back in the dressing room, and taking this one off, I heard a gasp come from outside, I peeked my head out of the dressing room curtain to see Susannah holding a gorgeous dress, that was the one. It had thin straps, and it was simple, and it had a small bow on the front. "Oh my gosh, that's the one" I said as she handed it to me, "You are going to look gorgeous!" Susannah exclaimed going back to sit on the chair to wait for me to change.

I finally got the dress on and stepped out with a smile on my face to show Susannah. "Izzy, it's gorgeous on you" she smiled as she made her way over to me to face me towards the mirror, We looked in the mirror and stood in silence admiring the dress. Susannah started to get tears in her eyes, which resulted me in getting them to. I don't know what I'm going to do if she doesn't make it, Susannah was like my second mother. I hadn't cried about it yet due to it not feeling real, it couldn't be real. I quickly blinked away my tears not want wanting her to question it.

We ended up buying the dress and heading over to a nice restaurant down town to eat dinner, we had skipped lunch due to being in the bridal store for so long. Susannah and I had sat down and got our food shortly after ordering. "Conrad's going to loose it when he sees you in that dress" She smiled taking a sip of her water, I laughed as she raised her eyebrows up and down, "Oh my gosh, Susannah" I laughed trying to prevent my face from turning red. She reached across the table and took my hands in hers, "You two would be great together" she smiled, I sighed before responding, "Thank you" I smiled as we went back to eating. We eventually finished and made our way home.

I had brushed my teeth and changed into a pair of sweatpants, accompanied by a blue crop top. I made my way downstairs to hopefully to find something to occupy me. I entered the living room to see Conrad on the couch with a movie in his hand. I smiled when I saw what it was, Grease. Conrad stood up from his spot on the couch, "I thought since everyone else was doing something tonight we could, uh, watch a movie" He suggested holding the movie up for me to see. I laughed at his awkwardness, "Yeah C, that would be nice" I smiled as I took a seat on the couch, while he put the movie in the player.

Conrad and I spent the rest of the night watching Grease and laying together on the couch. I missed this, I missed him, his smile, his eyes, everything. I ended up falling asleep with a smile on my face on the couch towards the end of the movie, due to the long day amazing day I had with Susannah and Conrad and I being somewhat okay again, although we still had a lot to talk about.

Conrad's pov:

As I was watching the movie, I noticed that Izzy had fallen asleep. I smiled at the girl in my arms as she lightly snored. The movie finally finished. I turned the TV off and carried her upstairs bridal style, being careful not to wake her up. I opened the door to her bedroom and placed her down on the bed, I pulled the covers over her and leaned down to give her a light kiss on the top of her head. She looked so peaceful . I turned around to make my way to the door to leave but was interrupted from a voice behind me, "Thank you Conrad, I'm glad we got to do something together" She smiled, I returned the smile and simply nodded, making sure when I closed the door I didn't close it to loud. My room was right across from Izzy's so it wasn't a far walk at all. I entered my room, closing the door behind me I flopped down on my bed. I had to choose, Izzy or Nichole. I already knew my answer, I just didn't know how to let the other one down. I turned my head to my right and smiled at the picture on my bedside table. It was a picture of Izzy and I last year, when we won second place at the sailing competition. I went to bed that night happy for the first time in awhile.

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