chapter five: the date crasher

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Izzy's pov:

     After I got out of the shower I made my way over to my bedroom to see that it was almost time for my date with Billy. I started to dry my hair and decided to leave it natural. I picked out a simple blue knit crop top and black jean shorts. I then dug through my closet to find my high tops to go with it. As I began to get dressed all I could think about was Conrad, what would have happened if we kissed? Would things become different for us? For our families? I didn't have anymore time to think about it before I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yelled after slipping on my last shoe. Belly made her way in my room as she came over to me with a smile. "Bells, what has you in such a good mood?" I laughed as I awaited her response.
She took a breath before falling back on to my mattress, "Cam" she giggled. I laid back with her with a smile on my face, now matching hers as well. "What about Cam?" I pushed further, Belly looked over to me and smiled even more if it was possible. "We're going on a date at the drive in tonight!" She said excitedly. Wow, my baby sister was going on her first date. I sat up abruptly which caused her to follow on suit. "No way! Bells that's great!" I exclaimed happy for my sister. Belly sighed "enough about me I heard you were going somewhere tonight?" She smirked. I smiled back and sighed "yeah, Billy is taking me to dinner at the diner" I smiled but it soon faded as my mind wondered back to Conrad. As if Belly could read my mind she turned to face me with a sad smile, "Izzy who are you thinking about?" I turned to face her thinking of and excuse, I meant to say nobody but it came out like "Conrad, Belly I thought I had gotten over him years ago, but I was wrong" I groaned as I got up from my bed and began to pace. Belly's face lighted up in excitement of the thought of the two, recalling her previous conversation the night prior with Conrad. "Well are you still going to on this date?" Belly questioned me, "Yeah but I think this may be our only date, I don't know, Conrad is still somewhat with Nichole and I just don't know" I sighed as I took a seat at the chair by my desk. "Well has anything happened with you and Conrad?" Belly suggested with the raise of her eyebrows. I put my hands over my face to try to hide the redness that was rising on my cheeks. Belly gasped, "Elisabeth Conklin, spill, what happened?" Belly almost shouted. I shushed Belly with a harsh glare following, I proceeded to tell Belly the events this afternoon, but was interrupted by a text from my phone signaling Billy was almost here.

    Belly made her way to her room to get ready for her date while I headed downstairs to go to mine. I turned the corner to see Steven, Conrad, and Jeremiah all playing a game. Making my way to the door I said a goodbye, "See you guys later", but before I could go anywhere, Jer stood up from his seat and made his way over to me, "Damn" He said as he spun my around. Steven started to scold him for leaving the game but was soon cut off by Jer speaking up again "" , I tired to hide the blush that came onto my cheeks when he said that. Jeremiah had a way to make a girl blush. Steven then turned around with a discussed look on his face getting ready to scold Jeremiah, "hey, hey, hey stop flirting with my sister!" I rolled my eyes telling him "shut up Steven" , Steven looked back again and said "you shut up" he paused before continuing "you do look good though" he smiled before going back to his game. I smiled at the thought of my brother being nice for this one time. Jeremiah then turned to me, "Are you driving with us or meeting us there?" I went to answer but before I did Conrad answered for me, "She's got a date with Billy" he said with a sarcastic tone, putting and emphasis on Billy. "What is that supposed to mean?" I fired back, Conrad turned around to look at me, "I was just telling Jer where you were going, plain as that." He stated, but before I could say anything back the doorbell rang. I gave a soft smile to Jeremiah and a glare to Conrad as I made my way to the door to greet Billy.

   I greeted a smiling Billy at the door and we both walked to his car. We made our way to the diner, But all I could think about was how jealous Conrad sounded.

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