7: Party Of The Millennium

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Tatum and I made our way out of the school, due to early dismissal. Because of me. As we walked towards the town center, students around us cheered and high-fives each other.

"I can't believe that they're happy about this," I sighed, gripping my backpack, "people are dead."

"They have no fucking shame." Tatum chastised, glaring at all of the happy faces.

"School is out!" Stu exclaimed coming out of nowhere, scaring the ever living shit out of me.

"Thanks for the heart attack Stuart." I scolded, hitting him in the chest.

"No... thank you, Katherine Marie Prescott!" He yelled out with his arms extended, "for whatever you did. On behave of the student body, I say thank you!" Anyone who heard Stu yelled out with him.

Tatum reached for him and slapped him in the head, "have some respect."

"I do," he said, walking around me towards Tatum.

"I have respect," Stu continued, "for your ass."

Stu easily lifted Tatum off the ground and threw her over his shoulder, slapping her ass in the process.

"Soooo," he said, looking at me, "I'm having a little fiesta tonight. Wanna come?"

I blinked, "you're having a party? With all these murders happening?"

"Yup." He grinned, squeezing Tatum as she struggled on his shoulder, "don't worry, it'll end just in time for curfew."

"I don't know," I said looking down.

"Come on, Kathy," Stu groaned, waving his free arm around, "you'll be safe. Ya know what they say, "safety in numbers." The more people around, the less likely that the killer will show." You know, for once, I think Stu is right.

"Alright, I'll come," I gave in, as Stu fist pumped, "if we also watch a couple of scary movies."

"It's a deal, if you come with me to pick out the movies." Stu insisted, giving me puppy-dog eyes.

"Oh, alright. Fine." I sighed.

"Yay!" Stu jumped up and down, forgetting Tatum was on his shoulder until she almost fell off.

"Oh yes, let's just kill your girlfriend way too early in her life." Tatum rolled her eyes, she was let back on solid ground.

"I wasn't gonna let you fall or die, babe." Stu said giving her a big kiss.

"You're lucky I like you a lot." She said, poking his chest after the kiss. "Or else I'd come back to haunt you."

"Yeah, yeah." Stu joked, letting her go and taking a step back into the street. "Well, Kathy, I'll meet you at the video store in five minutes. And my lady, I'll be seeing you early tonight." He winked at Tatum, causing her to blush.

As Stu walked backwards into the street, he was almost hit by a car.

"Damn it, Stu!" Tatum yelled, as he just laughed.

"I think, I should go with him now." I said, "so he doesn't get himself killed." Tatum nodded in agreement.

"Good idea, I'll go grab some snacks," she said, walking in the opposite direction, "also, make sure he doesn't mess with Randy. You know how he gets."

"I know!" I called to her. We waved good-bye, and went our separate ways. I made sure to cross the street carefully, unlike my friend who was now running into the video store.

"What am I gonna do with him?" I questioned myself, as I walked into the store and made a beeline for Stu and Randy.

"Jeez, this place is packed." Stu said, leaning against a shelf.

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