11: They Always Come Back.

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"She's gone" Billy growled, "where'd she go?"

Stu looks around, staggering now, bleeding heavily. Katherine has disappeared, along with her father. 

"I don't know man...... but, I'm really hurting over here," Stu whined, clinging to a kitchen countertop.

"Where the fuck is she?" I heard Billy yell, as I hid in the hallway closet.

I dial the home phone and hear it ring near..... it rings for a few moments before someone answers.

"Hello?" It's Billy.

"Are you alone in the house?" I question through the voice modulator.

"You bitch! Where the fuck are you?!" Billy yells through the phone.

"Not so fast. We're gonna play a little game. It's called GUESS WHO JUST CALLED THE POLICE AND REPORTED YOUR SORRY MOTHERFUCKING ASS?" I yelled right back at him, also trying not to laugh or to give my hiding spot away.

"Find her, dipshit." I hear Billy fume.

"I can't... you cut too deep, Billy," I heard Stu complain, "I think I'm dying man." Poor Stuart, always a follower. I heard Billy hand him the phone.

"Hello?" Stu weakly asked.

"Stu, Stu, what's your motive? Billy's got one. Police are on their way. What are you gonna tell them?" I taunt.

"Peer pressure. I'm far too sensitive-" Stu explained before we were sadly interrupted.

"I'm going to rip you up, bitch! Just like your fucking mother and sister!" Billy yelled through the phone. 

"You gotta find me first you pansy-ass-mama's- boy." I snapped back. 

I heard the phone hit something and Stu moaned, "You hit me with the phone, dick." 

After that, I could hear Billy throwing and breaking things in the kitchen. I then heard him in the living room trashing the room too. 

Stu picked up the phone again. "Did you really call the police?" 

"You bet your sorry ass I did," I replied. 

"My mom and dad, are gonna be so mad at me." Stu cried over the phone. Part of me wishes to comfort him, but the other part says this is what he gets for helping Billy to screw me over. 

I heard Billy's footsteps move out of the living room and into the hallway, passing the closet door. I didn't breathe or make a sound as he backtracked and opened the closet door. He peaked in with the gun drawn at me but didn't see me, since I was hiding behind racks of clothes. 

 When Billy turned away, I came at him with an umbrella, stabbing him in the upper right chest twice before he fell down in agony. I then ripped off the Ghostface mask. Grabbing his gun and took off the rest of the costume, just as Stu came barrelling into the hallway right at me. 

 He screamed as he tackled me to the ground, I somehow landed on top of him and kneed him in the dick. Then in turn he hit me across the face, effectively knocking me off of him. I ran for the living room and didn't get very far, since I was tackled yet again by Stu. This time over the couch. 

We landed on the floor and struggled with each other. 

"I always had a thing for ya, Kitty-Kat." Stu snarled at me. 

I reached my head over to where one of his hands was and I bit down. As hard as I could. Stu screamed in pain as I reached over and picked up a vase and slammed it against Stu's head. 

Stu fell to the floor next to me, and I got up quickly and made my way to the tv. 

"You bitch." Stu spits out in a daze. 

"In your dreams," I growled back. 

 I shoved the tv off the stand and watched fall onto Stu's face. I watched as he screamed and wriggled underneath the TV in pain. After he stopped moving, I walked through the living room and into the hallway. I bent down next to Billy, where I had dropped the Ghostface mask. I picked it up and looked at it, as a hand reached out and grabbed my shoulder. 

 I screamed out and jumped, whipping my head around, and saw Randy. 

"Jesus, Randy," I exclaimed, "I thought you were dead. "

"Sorry, sorry," He apologized, "I probably should be. I never thought that I would be so happy to be a virgin."  I internally groaned, at his stupidity at a time like this. 

A fist came flying out of nowhere and hit Randy in the face, knocking him to the floor. I whipped around and came face-to-face with Billy. 

 "You, motherfucker." He growled in my face and bodyslammed to the ground. 

He managed to wrap a bloody hand around my throat and began to squeeze. I looked up at him and all I saw in those eyes, were the eyes of someone who had given into the madness that he had created and lost all control. I reached up and inserted a finger into the chest wound that I had caused prior.

 Billy screamed in pain and raised his arm high, to strike me down just as a shot rang out. I watched Billy fall back onto the ground, gasping in pain or for breath. I whipped around and saw Gale fucking Weathers standing at the front door with the gun raised. 

Gale lowered the gun to her side, as I helped Randy up and went to her. I grabbed the gun from Gale and made my way to Billy. 

"Guess, I remembered the safety this time, you bastard." Gale groaned from behind me. 

 I stood in front of my former boyfriend and ex-killer partner and kicked him in the leg. No reaction. 

"Careful," Randy said from behind me, "this is the moment, the supposedly dead killer comes back to life.... for one last scare." 

"Wah!" Billy yelled reaching for us. 

We screamed in surprise as I shot him right in the neck. 

"Not in my movie," I responded. 

 I turned around to Randy and Gale, just as a noise came from the hallway closet. Causing, everything in it to fall out, including my father, who is now wide awake. 

"Dad," I call to him, "Randy help me out." We go over to my father and un-ducktape and untie him. 

"Are you okay, Dad?" I ask him. 

"Yes." He said, just as the sound of sirens came straight to the house. 

 We were still kneeling on the floor as the police came in and began to survey the grizzly scene before them. 

Randy and I helped my dad up and down the front stairs just as the police were carting Dewey into an ambulance. EMTs surrounded us and took us to the side to check out our injuries. 

Off in the distance, in the field in front of the Macher's residence, I saw Gale in front of a news crew. Microphone, camera, and all. She doesn't stop even after almost being killed. 

 But, what no one realized was that the backdoor of the house was wide open and a trail of bloody footsteps led out into the back and to the woods. 

 Someone had survived. Someone knows what Katherine Prescott has done. And they will make sure that the world knows. That Katherine Prescott was part of the Woodsboro Murderers. 

"Several more local teens are dead, bringing to an end a harrowing mystery of the mass killings that terrified this peaceful community. Like the plot of some scary movie." 


A/N The book is now over. But, I still have some scary surprises that will be up very soon.  

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