9: Mostly, Ghostly!

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"Oh shit!" I exclaimed, turning around and running back into Stu's parents' room. I opened the door and didn't see Billy anywhere. Just a huge blood stain on the bed that I was on just moments ago.

"Billy!" I screamed out as Ghostface tackles me onto the bloodstained bed.

I elbow him in the face mask causing him to groan in pain and let me go. I scrambled off of the bed and used anything that I could get my hands on and threw it at him. Somehow in all of the panic, I managed to back myself by Stu's mother's work desk. I quickly thought about doing something  fucking insane.... so I did it.

I quickly grabbed the desk chair and swung it around me, causing the killer to jump back in surprise. I then threw the desk chair at the glass door, causing it to shatter around the room. I bolted across the bed and towards the now broken door and climbed over the railing. I lowered myself down to the other side of the balcony, before slipping.

A scream ripped its way through my throat and I thought that I was going to die. As I was free-falling, a black-gloved hand grabbed onto mine in midair. I gasped in shock as the cloaked figure began to pull me back over the balcony. I was halfway over the balcony and still in his grasp, with my free hand, I reared it back in a fist, and threw it forward making contact with the side of his face. He let me go, effectively making me wobble on the balcony before I fell off the balcony, yet again.

I slammed into the ground hard as pain erupted through my left leg. As I struggled to get to my feet, I saw Ghostface leaning over and then darting off.

"Fucking shit." I groaned out, as I hopped towards the front of the house and to the road.

I walked into the middle of the road, drenched in blood, trying to flag down anyone driving by. I see Gale's van speeding towards me and Gale swerves missing me, but the van veers off the road at top speed, flipping into the thick woods. I raced to where the van lay and peered through the windshield. I see Gale laying limp and bloody across the seats. I cried out, turning, and limping back to the driveway. I see Dewey's patrol car and limp towards it, I open it and got in.

I scrambled for the keys that I thought were in the ignition..... but they weren't. Hearing the sound of chains rattling, I snapped my head towards the door window and saw him looking back at me, holding the keys.

I hop into the jeep and reach for the ignition. Feeling no keys in there, I slam my hand against the wheel. "Son of a bitch on a stick," I exclaimed, slapping my forehead and smearing blood across my face.

I groan in frustration and get out of the jeep just as the front door of the Macher residence opens. A figure stands in the doorway, omitting light coming from the house. The figure then staggers across the porch into the moonlight. It's Dewey.

"Katherine." He mumbles as his body flops onto the ground. Sticking out of his back is a long silver, glistening knife, and behind Dewey is Ghostface.

 I yelled out in shock and jumped right back into the jeep, locking every single door. I watched as the killer leaned down over Dewey and searched his pockets for something. He then stood up and jingled a set of keys in his hand........ the jeep keys. 

 Ghostface then leaps off of the front porch and makes way for the jeep. I scream hysterically as he tries to open every door I try to keep every door locked, so he wouldn't be able to get to me. 

 Then he suddenly drops out of view. I hop over the seats, into the back looking out of the side and rear windows trying to see him..... I find nothing and no one. 

 Just then I hear the sound of keys jingling right next to me. I whip my head around and see Ghostface on the other side of the window, jingling the keys once again in my face. 

 As I freak out, I notice the police radio and leap for it. 

 "Please help me!" I cry out, "I'm at Stu Macher's house on Turner Lane! The killer is here and is trying to kill me! Please!"

 A hand reaches out from behind me and encloses my neck, squeezing tightly. I drop the radio in panic and claw at my neck, trying to get his hands off of me.  With surprising strength, I threw my elbow back, hitting him in the face. I fall into the door and use my legs to kick at him wildly as I opened the door with one hand. 

 I fall to the ground and scramble away from the Jeep. Turning around I don't see anything. He has disappeared yet again. 

 I run up the porch and lean over Dewey grabbing his gun from the holster just as a voice calls out to me. I look up and see Randy limping toward me. 

"Kathy, we have to get out of here." He whimpers, inching closer. 

 I hold the gun up. "Stop right there, Randy." 

"Kathy, it's me! Don't shoot!" He pleases coming closer as I walk further into the porch. 

"Don't listen to him, Kathy!" Stu shouts from the walkway. 

 "He's gone completely psycho! I found Tatum and Billy! He killed them" Stu wails as tears pour out of his eyes. 

My face drops as he mentions Tatum.....She's dead...

"Don't listen to him, Kathy!" Randy yells as they begin to point fingers and blame each other. 

They both come closer causing me to raise the gun at both of them. I look wildly between them both, not knowing who to believe. I should believe both of them since they are my friends. But, I can't. 

 I now back into the doorway of Stu's house just as they make it to the porch. 

"I'm sorry," I say, before stepping into the house and slamming the door shut. Deadbolting it. 

 I could hear the sound of rushing footsteps as Randy and Stu yelled for me to open the door and banged their fists against the door. 

 I lean against the door and slide down it, to the floor. With tears coming down my face all I can think of is, that I am safe. For now. 

A/N This story is almost done. One- or two more chapters left to go. Thank you to those who have kept reading and sorry for the long wait. Things got really busy for me, I had midterms a couple of weeks ago and I changed my major so I was pretty preoccupied. A sequel might possibly be in the works. IDK yet. 

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