13: Surprise, Sidney!

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Fall, September 1995, Prescott Residence

It was a rainy September night in Woodsboro, California. Thunder boomed and lightning clashed in the sky.... almost as if it was giving an ominous warning for what was to come.

I lay in bed wide awake due to the display outside when I heard a crash coming from my parent's bedroom. I sit up and wait to see or hear anything else. I heard a second crash, then a third. I slowly got up from my bed and walked to the door just as Sidney busted through it sobbing and hyperventilating.

"Woah, Woah, Sid," I say rushing to her.

She collapses in my arms and says, "someone's in the house. They've got mom."

"What do you mean someone's in the house?" I question her, "and with mom?" Sidney has calmed down a bit but still shaking.

She looks up at me and answers, "there is someone with mom in mom and dad's room. Hurting her." I grip her shoulders and moved her towards my bed.

"Stay here. Don't move. And don't make a sound." I ordered Sidney. She nodded and curled in a ball on my bed, hiding her sobs behind her hands.

I quietly rush to my bedroom door and open it, peeking up and down the hallway. I see and hear nothing. I step out into the hall and close the door behind me. I took a cautious step forward and stop. It is dead silent.

"Mom," I call out in the direction of my parent's room. No answer.

"Mom," I try again, "it's, Katherine. Are you all right?" This time I take a step closer and another until I am in front of my parent's bedroom door.

"Mom?" I call for the third time, "are you okay? Do you need Sidney and me to call an ambulance?"

I reach for the doorknob and touch it as I lean against the door to hear inside the room. Again, I hear nothing.

Just as I'm about to open the door, it swings open and I am face-to-face with someone in a Ghostface costume. My jaw slacks, as I look behind the person towards the bed and see my mother lying there, covered in a pile of blood. My eyes dart from the bed, to the wall, and to the floor. All I see is blood. Everywhere.

"Katherine, what's going-" I heard Sidney's voice from behind me begin to ask until she sees what I am staring at.

"Sidney! Run!" I yell, with my eyes still on Ghostface.

I push him back into the room and make a run for it down the hall to the stairs just as Sidney reaches the bottom, and looks up at me. I take a step to go down and look back, not seeing anyone.

"Katherine," Sidney sobs, from the bottom of the stairs, "we have to hide and call 911."

"He's not there anymore," I exclaimed to her, "he's freaking gone."

"I don't care Kathy!" Sidney yelled, "come on."

"It's Katherine to you." I yelled on my way down the stairs, "only my friends can call me, Kathy!"

Once I was at the bottom of the stairs, the hall closet door burst open. Ghostface was running at us. We split up, Sidney went running down the hall to the kitchen, while I ran to our father's study with the killer right behind me. I closed the door, just for him to shove it open, throwing me a couple of feet into the air. I landed harshly on my back, smacking my head against the floor.

"Fuck." I yelped as the killer got on top of me. Pressing the full weight of his body on mine.

I looked at him through hazy eyes and decked him in the face. He fell over, which gave me some time to get up and run out of the room. Halfway down the hall, I felt my hair be yanked back and my body catapulted once again to the ground.

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