The Cafeteria

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(A/N: I would like to mention the tower has a balcony that goes completely around the tower, for future chapters. I would also like to mention that Levi still wears his top clothes after the liquid incident.

To: Authors that are writing about Mammon or Diamon.

Please update your stories. There is a 70% chance, your story is in my library, sleeping. If you are reading this, please, if you like my book, please update. It would help my cracked heart. Thank you if you do so and thank you for reading my message.
Very much love from: Talyn!)

(The next day.)

"Wake up, Mammon." "Mhm, I'm awake Lucifer." He mumbled. "Open your eyes." "Nohh." Lucifer slapped Mammon with his hair. "Ow! Why you gotta make everything a weapon?" "Haha, you're awake now." Lucifer smiled. "Good morning, Mams." Is he actually being nice to me? Mammon thought he was being fooled. "Can you tell me why Lord Diavolo wants to speak to you?" "Because he wants to speak to me." "Alright, for once you have a smart answer for something. I don't have time ask more questions. He's wants to see you this afternoon..." Lucifer went to Mammon's closet and dug in it. "Wear this." "Whew, ok." I'm so glad he didn't notice the button. "Now get ready for RAD." He left, leaving the door open so his hair can move with him. Geez, why's his hair got to be so long? After waiting for some time, Mammon closed the door.

He heard a knock on his window and opened the blinds seeing Jack flapping his wings, politely waiting. He obviously let him in and they talked about their morning together.
Jack is one of Mammon's favorite crows.

(With Lucifer and Asmodeus.~)

Asmo was in his room, braiding Lucifer's hair.. along with 3 very professional stylists.

"Can you believe that, Luci?" "That's something MC would do." He sighed. "Anyway, do you see that magic mirror over there?" Lucifer turned his head and Asmo pushed it back into position. "No, use your eyes, not your head." Lucifer groaned, "I can't see." "Ok, sorry.. Solomon gave it to me. Isn't he amazing?" "Yes, the mirror is very amazing." "Really?" Asmo asked, unimpressed. "You know, Luci, it's one of those special truth-telling mirrors. This morning I asked it who was the prettiest demon in the Devildom and it said Mammon, scary, right?" "Definitely." "Maybe he acts too stupid for us to notice his looks." Asmo frowned but then moved on. "I then asked it who's the hottest demon and it said you! You're welcome. And I'm the most beautiful." Asmo went back to smiling.


(The RAD cafeteria.)

Mammon stood with his lunch tray trying to find you, Luke, or Simeon, but instead locked eyes with a tired Lucifer, him motioning Mammon to sit at his table. Mammon quickly walked over, not liking the glares he was getting just by standing.

"Mammon, why do you do this to me?" Lucifer sighed. "Are ya ok, Lucifer?" Mammon asked, worried. "No, I'm obviously not. Can you tell me why I'm not ok?" "Because of me." "And?" "My stupidity." The other brothers laughed over Lucifer and Mammon's conversation, except Leviathan waiting to talk to Mammon as well. "Don't you care about me?" "I do. Whatever happened wasn't my fault." "I doubt it. What'd you do to Levi's comics?" He asked, sternly. "It's called manga, Lucifer, and there's no point in asking him because he already stole them." Levi rolled his eyes. "No, I didn't actually-" "You don't have to lie anymore, Mammon. It never works." Levi glared at Mammon. "Maybe ya should organize your room better, ya stupid otaku." "You're the stupid one." "All ya people do is come after me!" "We have our reasons, and it's always you." Lucifer added. Levi started, "Why can't you ever admit it?" "There's barely anything to admit. Except the fact, I didn't steal your mangas." "No, you did, and you better not have sold them!"

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