Arranged Marriage

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(A/N: I added a scene to the last chapter. Satan catches Mammon and Diavolo matress sliding down the stairs and his weird ringtone rings. Is he planning to tell Momifer? Hmm? Hmm? You can go back and check if you want.)

(Buster/AD:🎊Yo, would anyone be interested in discovering the Buster's Wattpad secrets? The tea, sis/bro?🎊 I'll take everyone who commented, and put them in a raffle, and those who I pull out I share my writer secrets with. What a perfect way to get people to comment. You just comment once. Writer secrets let you know about the secret book that I've only told 3(?) people about, my writer's past, how I get ideas, and more books. Now please, enjoy the angst.)

(Outside the castle.)

"Please, don't leave!" Diavolo begged his boyfriend. "You'll be fine without me." "Please!" "Are all dates meant to end this way?" "Please!" "I have to go home and trying to kidnap me is a red flag." "Oh, me and Barbatos are sorry then, just please stay with me!" "I have places to be. It's entertainin' to see the Demon Lord begging to me though." Mammon kissed Diavolo and left. Diavolo was left red. "You'll be fine, My Lord. We can just go bother the angels now." "Yeah! Hey, we weren't bothering anyone." "Sure." Barbatos fanned Diavolo with a handkerchief. "Um, was Mammon always that hot?" "I can't say anything. I'm not the one in love with him." "I want him to squeeze me again-" "Nuh-uh, no more words. Control yourself better. Don't make me send you back to boarding school." "OH, ok!" "Get off the floor! A prince should never be on the floor." "Sorry.~" "You'll get dirty. And your knees are dirty, you clean yourself." "Sorry, Mom." Barbatos started to fix Diavolo's hair. "My hair's fine.~" "Don't end up looking like Leviathan." "What's wrong with Leviathan's hair?" "Uah." Barbatos shuddered. "Let's go bother Purgatory Hall now."


"Mammon, Lucifer doesn't want to talk to you right now. He's really upset-" "Asmo, I don't think he's cares-" "Belphie, shut up. I'm just doing what he asked." "I can't believe Mammon would choose someone that isn't MC to steal the spotlight." "I don't love MC." Mammon said plainly and his brothers had a small heart attack.

"Ya guys good?" "Darling, are you good? Who doesn't love MC?" "I love them as a friend." "This isn't right. Did someone give you a potion?" Satan asked. "I'm good guys. I have places to be." "No, you don't, idiot." Belphie smiled. Mammon didn't say anything else and headed to his room.

The drawer was empty as expected. He sighed, My Dia- "Mammon, I have great news for you. We should talk more often." Lucifer hugged Mammon. "Lucifer, where's my stuff?" "What?" "Where's my stuff, my belongings? Not yours, mine." "Oh, I cleaned your room for you." "Where is my stuff, Lucifer? Tell me!" Lucifer held Mammon's wrists down. "Hey! Do not try to fight me over something this stupid!" "Don't yell at me! Where's my stuff?" "It's gone!" "Gone where, Lucifer? 'Tell me, I'm your older brother.'" Mammon mocked him. "In the trash, where it belongs." "Damn it. Lucifer, you're insufferable. Why do these things to me?" "You're ok." "Yeah. sure. I'm ok. Why can't ya just leave me alone? I leave you alone now and I don't get a thank ya for not being greedy, for not being a waste of space, for not wastin' your time. Why can't ya leave me alone too? I don't peek myself into your life anymore but you do it now? Ya make no sense. No wonder Satan hates you." "Who hates me?" "Satan." "Satan, doesn't have anything to do with this. It's just me and you, like usual, and everytime you burst out into a tantrum!" "You're the problem, Lucifer because you're too entitled and prideful with your traumatized past!" "Our past! You aren't any different from me! You aren't any better!" "Oh, yes, I am!! I'm done givin' ya passes!" "You're the real problem, Mammon because you're too ignorant, naive, greedy, and sensitive!" "Stop calling me greedy! I am not greedy! I refuse to be greedy! I don't want to be like you! I want to be anythin' but ya! You disgust me..." Mammon was practically out of breath. He finally got a real chance to release some of 2,000-3,000 years plus worth of pain. "Do you not understand I am helping you? I am saving your life." "My life isn't worth saving." "I-I need you to stop saying idiotic shit. I want, I pray that you stop being an idiot." "You have to stop being an arrogant, poor excuse of a brother if I'm an idiotic, poor excuse of a brother. Happy n-now?" "No, we'll never be happy because of you." "No, YOU won't be happy because you're such a perfectionist, and always hoverin' over me like a vulture! Everyone else hardly cares anymore. Ya need to move on!" "None of us have 'moved on.' If you think any of us have moved on, then there's something.." Lucifer put a stop to his words, "I miss whenever you couldn't talk back to me. You should not have a voice at all." "What the fuck?!"

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