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Mammon got to writing.

Could I come over today? The guy who owns this place is gone so it's boring here. (And he doesn't have any tvs.) You do want to see me, right? - The Great Mammon.

Mammon sealed the letter back in the envelope. He went to the nearest window and opened it, "Hello, any crows out here! I need your help, please!" A crow flew in the house and balanced on the window stool (A/N: I did research.) "Hello, Iris. I need ya to deliver this letter to Diavolo. And instead of the usual cawin' and pokin' at widow, ya should ring the door bell, to be respectful. Could ya do that, please?" She cawed. "Dang it.. I've spoiled you too much. You can have worms afterwards! Got it?" She nodded. "Good." He hand Iris the letter and she flew off. I'm gonna go eat more cupcakes.


Less than 10 minutes later, Iris came back with a brand new envelope. Mammon opened it and he started malfunctioning again, "H-He aah.~" Iris cawed, letting him know she wants her worms before he starts moaning. "W-What?! I'm not moaning! Fine, I'll get ya your worms." He went to his room and came back with them. "Here. Thank ya for your help." And she flew away. Mammon closed the window. "Why's he makin' me feel weird, he must be complimentin' me in a friend way." Mammon whispered to himself. I mean I could impress him, but why do I want to?! That's the only dress I brought and it's for the rabbits to see me shine. Whatever.


(In Diavolo's room.)

I really should stop. Diavolo thought. There is no reason I should be jealous of Luke everytime he comes over. When's Mammon coming? That reminds me I need to tell Barbatos..

Diavolo headed towards the kitchen and peeped through the door, one eye showing. There they are. Luke turned around, mixing batter, and locked eyes with Diavolo. "Barbatos, I'm scared." Luke whispered. Barbatos turned around, "My Lord, what are you doing?" Diavolo opened the door more, "Dad, I've come here to tell you Mammon is coming over." Diavolo examined Barbatos's face, looking for a reaction. His smile got bigger, "Ok, thank you for telling me." Diavolo also looked at Luke too, trying to find a hint of jealousy but saw him smiling too, Luke obviously wasn't jealous. "Hi Luke." "Hello, Lord Diavolo." "Bye guys."

Whoosh. He left.

"He calls you dad when people aren't around?" Luke asked. "Not usually. It's always a mistake, unlike this time." "How come Diavolo never hangs out with us?" "He's just shy.. or jealous." "Oh," Luke didn't expect that, "There's no need for him to be!" "I guess he didn't think he would have to share me whenever you showed up. I can talk to him if you want me to?" "About hanging out with us?" "Yes." "I guess that's ok."


Mammon ringed the door bell and Barbatos opened the door. "Hi, Barbatos." "Hello, Mammon." "Ya know I'm here to see Lord Diavolo, right?" "Mhm. He's definitely not in his office, he's not in the first kitchen, don't check the bathrooms for him, that's weird-" "Why would I do that?" "Demons are weird. He's probably in his room, the garden, the ballroom, the-" "Barbatos, I think I get it. Ya don't have to continue, thanks." He laughed, "Right, you're welcome. Just doing my job." Luke came out of the kitchen into the hallway, "Woah." "Sorry, I told him to stay in the kitchen." "It's fine." Luke walked up to Mammon, "Are you wearing a dress for Diavolo?" "What?! No! I just like wearin' dresses normally sometimes! Ya got a problem with it?" "No. Is the cape part real gold cloth?" "Hell yeah is it!" "Is this why you're always broke?" "Yeah, it is," Mammon sighed, "I can't help it. I like shiny stuff, that means it expensive!.. Welp, I'm off to find Diavolo. I'll see ya later, Luke." "Alright."

King Mammon Where stories live. Discover now