Episode 26: Wrecked: Part 2

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"Nebraska, 4:00 P.M"

Ironhide, Bulkhead, and Wheeljack assume their positions as they square off with Brawl.

Ironhide: Let's show metalhead here who's boss!

The wreckers rush in on Brawl all at once.

Wheeljack front-flips over Brawl and grabs his swords from the ground. Bulkhead tackles Brawl and pins him into a nearby hill. Bulkhead then forms his right hand into a Cybertronian Mace before bashing it into Brawl's face, pushing his head into the hill as it cracks on impact. Brawl grabs Bulkhead by the arm and moves it aside as he headbutts the Autobot in the face, sending him stumbling backwards.

Brawl then rams his shoulder into Bulkhead, knocking him off of his feet as he crashes to the ground. Ironhide fires his Plasma Cannon at Brawl, hitting the Combaticon with multiple blasts as he groans in annoyance. With his opponent distracted, Wheeljack rushes forward and dropkicks Brawl in the back, causing him to stagger forward. Brawl turns around only to be struck in the back with an explosion from Ironhide's Missile Launcher as he turns back around.

Wheeljack slashes Brawl in the back, causing the Decepticon to turn around again.

Wheeljack: What's wrong? Can't focus?

Brawl swings his Ripper Blade as Wheeljack jumps back. Wheeljack swings one of his Cybertronian Katanas and slices Brawl's left knee. Brawl grunts and kicks Wheeljack in the chest, sending him tumbling backwards as he drops his swords. Ironhide unleashes a barrage of blasts from his Plasma Cannon as Brawl turns his Shoulder Mounted Missile Launchers around to face the wrecker.

Ironhide: Uh oh!

Brawl fires three missiles as Ironhide jumps to his right and transforms before speeding off.

Brawl: Coward!

Suddenly, a tap was felt on Brawl's shoulder as he turns around only to be knocked off of his feet as he was struck with an uppercut from Bulkhead.

Bulkhead: Ironhide's anything, but a coward!

Brawl stands back to his feet. Meanwhile, Agent Fowler hovers over the scene in his helicopter as he watches as Brawl and Bulkhead square off.

Agent Fowler: Come on, two ton! Kick that con's big tin can ass for my fallen brothers!

Brawl and Bulkhead grab hands as they lock into an intense wrestling match. Both Cybertronians push against each other's might as the ground underneath their feet cracks and splits apart. Bulkhead gains the upper hand and pushes Brawl back, causing his feet to dig into the ground.

Brawl: NO!

Brawl fires a missile into Bulkhead's chest, sending him flying backwards with a large explosion as he crashes to the ground. 

Brawl walks over to Bulkhead and raises his Ripper Blade into the air.

Brawl: Time to die, autobot!

Bulkhead: Not today!

Bulkhead forms into his left hand into a Cybertronian Mace as it glows orange.

Brawl: Huh?

Bulkhead slams the mace into Brawl's face, launching the Combaticon through the air with an explosion. Brawl crashes through a large boulder as Bulkhead stands back to his feet.

Bulkhead: My new upgrades pack quite a punch, huh?

Brawl groans and pushes piles of rubble aside as he leans up to look at Bulkhead.

Brawl: Yeah, but they won't save you, Autobot!

Brawl transforms into his vehicle form and fires his cannon at Bulkhead's feet, generating a large explosion as the wrecker was thrown backwards before crashing through a row of trees. Brawl then transforms back into his robotic form and walks towards Bulkhead as he had his Ripper Blade, Gatling Gun, and Quad Cannon at the ready.

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