Chapter 19: Angst and Angst

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New 😃😃😃chapter with a long title😃😃! Might be a little longer,😃😃 sorry they have been a little short lately. 😃😃😃😃 (here comes these da😃😃mn emojis again 😃) (oh fuck! They are in😃😃vading this fanfiction! Be car😃😃eful! They are dangerous!)😃😃😃😃😃

(I have the sudden urge to write a tomboo fanfic but beeduo is pouplar so more beeduo for now! 😃😃)

Tw: Swearing, Kidnapped?, Blood, Mentions of death/murder

-Tubbo POV- (I just realised this story s😃unds like its in the past tence) ("Is anyone gonna eat that?" 😃😃😃😃😃😃)

I wake up confused. 'Why the fuck am I on a park bench?' I thought. I stood up and rememberd everything from yesterday. 'Ranboo couldnt leave me on pourpose? Could he?" I thought and picked up Ranboos phone. 'There is no way he would just leave his phone on the school floor. Good thing I switched it with mine or my parents would track me.' I walk to the nearest street sign and have no clue where I am. Thats when I realised that I have Ranboos phone and I could just go to Google Maps. I look on Google Maps and type in my adress. It says its a 45 minute walk and a 17 minute car ride. 'What the hell? How far did I run yesterday?'

I decide to call Ranboos parents and see if they know where he is. I go to his contacts and find his moms contact. I click it and it rings a few times until a really relieved voice comes through the phone. "Ranboo! Is that you?" "No, this is Tubbo." "Oh hey Tubbo! Have you seen Ranboo? He didnt come back from school yesterday." She asked. "Um, really thats why I called. I walked out the classroom this morning to get him and he wasnt there. All that was there was his phone on the floor and it worried me." "Oh no, lets give it a day and if he dosent show up.... we can call the police or look for him." "Okay, yeah that would be fine. Bye!" "Bye Tubbo!" She said and I hung up. 'I hope he is okay' I thought and started to walk somewhere.

😃😃😃😃-Ranboo POV-😃😃😃😃 (i need to😃😃😃 stop)😃😃😃

I wake up tied to a chair. The first thing I say is "What the fuck". I try to get up but I cant. Soon later the same two men walk into the room and stare at me. "What the hell man!" I yell, very pissed off and really scared too. "Wait, let me rephrase that.... why did you do this? Who are you?" I ask again, more fear in my voice. "Since you asked, we are some friends of Tubbos parents. I think you know who he is right?" The tall man said."What did you do to Tubbo!" I snap at him. "We didnt do anything. We just got his parents to deal with that. They just wanted us to deal with you." Before I could say something, the taller man put duck tape over my mouth so I couldnt speak. "We have been informed that you have taken little Tubbo from his family. They dont like that and they dont want you to ever see him again." The taller man said. There were tears coming out of my eyes and I was shaking in fear. They just laugh and walk out of the room, locking the door from the outside.

                                                                 ~Timeskip 3 days (Sunday)~

Its been 3 days and all ive had was some water. Im pretty hungry and I havent left this chair once. Each day they come in, beat me up, and walk out with blood running down my face and bruises everywhere. I really have not given up though and really miss my little tubs. I hope he is okay with his parents and I wish I could say goodbye. 

I am lost in my thoughts about Tubbo when the men walk in the room are. n. This time they untie my hands from the chair to get some food. I eat the food and they leave, my hands still untied. They walk in again, the taller man had a axe. "W-w-wait" I said, starting to cry. "Nono, one way you won't see Tubbo again is if your not alive to see him. It's just what his parents asked us to do." The shorter man smiled and grabbed the axe from the taller. As he was walking towards me, he took the axe and sliced a big cut across my arm. I cried in pain and the two men just laughed. The cut was deep and had a lot of blood coming out of my arm and onto the floor. I watch as they walk out the door, and locked it again.

I cried and cried. I cried for Tubbo, I cried for myself, my family, and my friends, even though they wernt good friends. I just hope someone could help me. 

-Tubbo POV-

It's been 3 days and my beloved was nowhere to be seen. Ranboos mom called the police but they didn't even look for him, it was like they were not allowed to help anyone related to Ranboo. I got some texts from my parents on Ranboos phone, i dont even know how though. I think if I find Ranboo, I can save him faster. 'I wonder if there is something on his phone' I thought and checked. I tried not to go through too many things on his phone but I had to look. 

After a little bit I found an access button to some code. Suprisingly, i am really good at coding and other things like that, but i just dont like school. I go through the code and debug the tracker that was on it. I go to my parents texts and do a little hack I Iearned form a old friend of mine, looking at the location they sent the texts to me. Later, I also hacked into my parents phone and found an adress that was kind of near where I was now.

By the time I was done, it was getting dark. I took a screenshot of the adress and my parents location before going asleep on another park bench.

(Word count: 1036)

Longer chapter pog!          Edit: Tubbos hacking ark?


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