Chapter 1: New kid?

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Yooooo! Lets go! This is going to be great!

Tw: swearing?

-Ranboo POV-

I was allways known as the weirdly tall popular kid that wears a mask and glasses. Not to mention all the times the girls just drool over me. I just have a secret that nobody would know in our overly homophobic school and if anybody knew, my parents would probally disown me and the whole school would call me names and bully me. (That was really cringe to write)

"Mark! Mark! Are you there?" My mom snapped in my face. "Yeah, just spaced out a little bit." "Okay, just hurry up and eat your breakfast!" I dont even remember going downstairs to eat. I must have been snapped out of reality i guess. I laughed to myself. 

After I ate my breakfast, i walked out to my car and drove to school for the day. (Yes he can drive. We are in America not England. He is 17 btw) By the time I got there, i still had 15 minutes to get to class. I walked over to my friend Jake who was standing by his locker. "Hey Jake!" "Hi Ranboo! How you doing? You ready for the volleyball match today?" "Not at all." I laughed which had Jake start to laugh too. 

"Did you hear that there is going to be a new kid?" Jake said to me as we were getting our books out of our lockers. "No" i said which sounded like a question. "Well first, yes there is a new kid today, and second do we want to befriend them?" "Well do you think we need to know them a little first?" "Yeah whatever Ran." Jake said annoyed. 

Just then the bell rang yelling at us to go to out classes. As I was walking to my class, a group of pick-me girls started getting my attention. "Hi handsome!" A girl with blonde hair and a purple shirt said. "Hello?" I said confised and annoyed. "We heard that you have a vollyball match tonight..... and we wanted to wish you luck and maybe get your number....." a girl with brown hair said. "Yeah i have volleball tonight, and no I dont want your number." As i said thst i started to walk away hopeing that they would go away. Thankfully they huffed at me and walked away and i walked to my class.

-Tubbo POV-

I wished we never moved to America. I left all my friends behind all because of a stupid job my dad wanted. I got ready in a dark grey hoodie (not black, dark grey) with bees on it, pants, and some random ass shoes i found in a box. 

I took a quick look at myself and thought good enough and walked downstairs to eat whatever shit we had in the pantry.  "Hi Toby, you ready for school?" My mom said as she walked into the kitchen. "No." I sad and picked up a apple and ate it. (I found the right spelling of ate!) After i ate the apple i went upstairs to brush my hair making shure it covered my eyes and grabbed my backpack out of my half decorated room. 

My mom drived me to school and dropped me off like all the other kids, but unlike them i had to go to the principals office to get my scedule. "Hi! You must be our new student...." he checks some random papers. "Toby! Hi, how are you doing? I am Mr. Smith and i will be your new principal!" "Im doing good, i guess. I miss England though." I told Mr. Smith. "Yeah, we all do. I am from Poland, but i moved here. You will like America though." (Dont ask where Poland came from because I dont know) He grabs a small peice of paper and hands it to me. "This is your scedule Toby, your homeroon class is room 016. It is two doors down and on the left." "Thanks Mr. Smith, i better go now." Just as I said that the bell rang and all the students started running down the halls. "Okay! Bye Toby!" "Bye" and as i said that I walked out to class.

Word count: 706

Sorry, its a little short but im tired. 


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