Protect me master jedi

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We sat down on the couch and padme and the jedis started to talk...

"Our presence here will be invisible I can assure you" obi wan started "Oh I'm captian Typho of her majesty security service, Queen jamillia has been informed of your assignment, I'm greatful your here master kenobi the situation is more dangerous than the senator will admit" I looked over padme as I felt her anger, she was a strong woman she knew in what situation she was she didn't need more protection, but that's palpatines plan "I dont need more security i need answers, I wanna know who's trying to kill me and y/n" obi wan looked over to me and then back to padme "we are here to protect you senator, not to start an investigation" i shifted my siting position wanting to say something but "we will find out who's trying to kill you padme and y/n I promise you" I smiled at the young boy, now I understood why palpatine wanted him, his force power was so strong and his feelings are more important than anything else for him, he loves padme I can already see that, and padme also haves an attachment to him, well how stupid is obi wan to not realize "we will not exceed our mandate my young padawan learner" obi wan raised his voice a little it was not calmly anymore "I meant it in the interest of protecting master her of course" the young boy replied "we will not go through this exercise again anakin and you will pay attention to my lead" also now obi wan raised his voice, now i remember how much I started hating the jedi masters for controlling their padawans so much, how iam suppose to distract a person i don't like "why?" Anakin replied almost aggressive I laughed in my mind that i saw a padawan talking back to his master "what?" Obi wan sounded angry and confused with that "why else do you think were we assigned to her if not to to find the killer, protection is a job for local security not jedi, it's overkill master investigation is implied in our mandate" oh I like this anakin he has a word.

"we will do exactly as the council has instructed, and you will learn your place young one" oh god fuck this obi wan kenobi he's annoying "well I guess your presence will hold the killer away and protect if he's so stupid to try something for me and senator amid- padme, and if anakin might be close enough when the killer tries he maybe can identify him and so then we know who it is" I gave a little smile to anakin while I said that, he looked at me thankful for protecting him "well senator y/n my padawan must learn limits and our job is just protection Not finding the killer and identify him" I roll my eyes "well if you say so obi wan kenobi" he nodded "now y/n you took the words of my mouth but now if you'll excuse me I will retire" everyone stood up as padme left the room Typho the security of padme started talking with obi wan while I made my way to anakin "hello yOunG oNe" i spoke in a weird voice what made anakin laugh "well I feel like you and kenobi would find out the killer easily" we walked a little more away from kenobi "thank you senator y/n, your Maybe the only one who agrees with me" I noticed he looked a little sad "anakin what's on your mind" he looked away staying a little silent "she didn't even recognize me senator y/n, had forgotten about me I thought and dreamed every night and day about her and she just forgot about me" I looked at him in confusion "she's happy happier than I see her in a long long time" jar jar said to reassure anakin "you focusing on the negative to much Anakin be mindful of your thoughts" he started to smile "she was pleased to see us" anakin just nodded but still was feeling down

After some hours where it was already dark in coruscant only the lights from the street and the buildings were to see, It was beautiful I was at the balcony looking down as I felt a presence behind me, I turned around and see obi wan standing before me "master jedi anything you want?" She smiled walking next to me "why did you agree with anakin? He's not knowing his place and doesn't know what wrong thoughts or decisions can turn out to be and I feel like you are the same" I looked back to the city "well I didnt say he should chase after the killer, I just say if the situation is there he maybe can identify the killer" obi wan nodded

"you can't lie to me y/n i know your secret you know I'm a jedi? And a good one how I know" I panicked, I didn't tell or let my thoughts out to him, what, how does he know he can't it's impossible "y/n don't panic, I won't tell anyone that you have the force" I let out a relieved breath, lucky me he didn't find out anything "oh yea I guess I underestimate you master kenobi" I stepped closer to him "just obi wan please, and I want to know why didn't you want to become a jedi y/n? You could be now a very powerful" shit
Y/n think "i didn't want to be chained onto the jedi code, I couldn't deal with it to not be able to have own things or to have a lover, or to even Show feelings, also the jedi are naive and they forbidden so much things, and I don't like how the padawans get Theated like the masters are some kind of gods, I Chosed to life a live as a senator and as right hand of the chancellor I mean he saved me years ago and I'm Still thankful and at least as a senator..I have a little happy life"

I felt how obi wan shifted his position to look to the city as I was "well good for you, you had a choice, I didn't really have one, but I wanted to become a stronger person so much I forgot about those other things like love, feelings my own things, my master qui gon jin almost broke every rule in the jedi code, and I never broke a singel one" I smiled "would you do it for someone you love?" He laughed a little "well y/n i will do it when the situation is there, but right now I don't feel like I could love a woman..." he turned around with a shocked face "anakin?" Anakin stood the whole time next to the couch "I feel it too" they both ran to padmes bed room and I heard lightsaber sounds, i ran after them and saw anakin on the bed from padme and next to the bed two worms well two dead worms "Obi wan there! The droid" i screamed and obi wan jumped thought the window, oh god how stupid is he now he's flying with a little droid 1000 Meters over the ground or even more, I saw people rushing in and asked padme if everything was alright, anakin ran out of the room probably to go after his master I walked over to padme "are you alright?" She looked horrible I mean I would too if I get waked up in the night because of some worms, "iam alright y/n thanks" I looked over to the worms I almost threw up they looked disgusting,

On the next day everyone decided to bring padme back to her home planet and anakin would go with her.

Authors note

How this is I think maybe the best chapter, idk if it's shorter or longer but anyways, hope you like it-

Chapter meme

We love General besties

Word count: 1367

Written: 22/06/2022

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