Married to a traitor

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"hello darling"

I giggled a little "well what are you still doing here? I mean no one else is here anymore" he looked up to me "I just had a few rough days and need some time alone" I took a step back "well then I shouldnt be here now, I leave you alone, my apologies master kenobi" I wanted to turn back and leave the room as obi wan took my arm "no..stay please, you give me comfort" I turned to look at him "so...can we talk about the thing what happend on Geonosis.." he smirked "if you want, the only thing know is that I don't regret anything I said or did I really feel something to you..I never felt this in my entire life, of course I felt things like that but only friendship to my padawan and master" I hugged him and made me comfortable in his arms "obi wan..I also have those feelings for you but how are we gonna do might be expelled and..I just don't want to be the reason that you lose this, the jedi council and anakin" he hugged me back and put a hand on my head slowly going through my hair "we try...and keep it in secret, we act like nothing ever happend between us on Geonosis, I can visit you a few times in your apartment and we can be alone then, hold it as secret" I smiled at this secret holding part I have to do this 24/7 so I guess this won't be hard, I looked up to him "I'm glad to met you obi wan, now life has a purpose for me" as I said this my heart began to break at the thought that this all is just for palpatines plan and that those feelings are just those feelings aren't just fake..they are real, real for him I loved him and at this point my mind was split across the whole galaxy, did I just betray my wan realized the anxious look on my face "something just went in your mind right?" I smiled in comfort and he kissed me, and everything in my mind went black I only cared about this moment me and obi wan.

Almost 3 years passed with much work for me and obi wan, we Rarely saw each other, the clone wars has been a lot for everyone the senate Is also working hard but since count dooku and General grievous are still alive it's hard to end all of this, well perhaps it doesn't end till palpatine says it, he's the master mind behind everything, me and obi wan went to a unfamiliar palent who seemed quiet and beautiful for 'a mission' obi wan and I lied to the jedi council and senate, so we could spent a few says alone without being afraid of being cought, or just for some free days, it was only for a few days but It did everything, I was right now still in the ship sleeping, we took a little more bigger ship for us to sleep in "wake up y/n~" I heard a little voice trying waking me up I slapped in the direction where the voice was, but as I felt a face I realized and woke up seeing obi wan laughing next to me "Oh god I'm sorry obi wan!" I couldn't help but let a little laugh out "it's fine y/n don't worry about it it didn't even hurt your hand is to soft for that" I kissed him and let me fall back on the bed so obi wan was on top of me "mhh y/n do you plan to stay in bed today?" I smirked "but only with you" he laughed and stood up "well I know I said those days now will be used as free days so we could be together but I found a really beautiful place and I want to show you that" I sighed "if it's not that far away" obi wan just laughed at picked me up I was surprised he could carry me "well I can carry you till there" I closed my eyes and hold myself a little onto obi wan "then carry me!" He carried me outside to the most beautiful place i ever saw, my mouth was wide open and I couldn't believe my eyes "I think I chosed a good planet right?" I hugged him "yes definitely! That's so beautiful obi wan!" He kissed my cheek "good your here, now the main reason why I brought you here" I put my arms around his neck looking directly into his
Blue eyes "y/n since we met on coruscant that day it was only a matter of time till this would happen, so im gonna ask you if you will give me the honor to marry you" I felt how my eyes began to fill with tears, but not sad tears, happy tears, I waited so long for this moment "I..yes, yes, yes! and more yes, do you need more permissions?" He smiled and put a Ring on my Finger (just think of a ring you like) I looked down to it and smiled, obi wan kissed my head "this is beautiful, iam thankful of that Iam your wife, since we can't really have a wedding, and that I can't really take your surname, we consider this as wedding, these few days" he smiled sadly knowing that this what we did was somehow so dangerous that it could break us apart, but now, we didn't care about that, we only cared about that moment we were in, standing right in the most beautiful place In the whole galaxy.

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