Chapter 7

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The next morning I have to wake up early because I have to nip into school. I only end up going in around 11 because I'm lazy and hate the place. I'm not in long because I only need to pick up some statements that my teachers had written for my Mum. I'm out of there by 12.
I'm walking home and I can't decide what to do. Ashley told me to be at the studio at 2 to start the dance so I'm debating weather to go home and sleep or go their now and be early. Just then my phone rings and its Perri.
"Hello!" I answer.
"Hey, you out of school yet? Jordan told me you was going in." He asks.
"Yeah, literally just walked out now why?"
"Need a lift?"
"Yes please! Can not be arsed walking!" I breathe a huge sigh of relief. I've always hated walking home.
"I'm on my way now." He says hanging up. I wait in the kerb outside if school. Like I said, I hasn't gotten far.
I'm only waiting around 5 minutes for him to turn up.
"So happy that I never have to set foot in there ever again!" I sigh as I get into the car. Perri just laughs at me and takes all the papers off me.
"What are these for anyway?" He asks, looking through sheets.
"Mum wanted some statements of my teachers for the apprenticeship thing." I say, lying back into the chair.
"Oh well then. Wanna get something to eat?"
"I wanna go home though!" I say, realising that I really wanna sleep.
"We can get take out and go home and watch Monsters Inc?" He asks.
"This is why you're my favourite!" I smile at him and he blushes and giggles.
We drive to subway and get our order and again I get a meatball and Perri gets turkey. We then go back to mine and when I unlock the door, no one was home.
"Guess everyone is at the studio then." I say partly to myself and partly to Perri. I run over to the TV and put Monsters Inc on.
"I didn't think you actually would put it on." Perri says laughing, sitting down on the couch.
"We only have a hour and half till we have to be at the studio so I'm watching and you said I could!" I say back, acting like a two year old. We both laugh and sit on the floor eating our subway.
We then sit on the couch and watch the film. I curl up in a ball and try and not say all the words because Perri had already warned me that if he heard me doing so he would tickle me and I hate being tickled.
"What you doing?" Perri asks looking over at me from the other end of the couch.
"Trying not to speak the words."
"Why you sat like that?"
"Because if I do speak the words, you can't see me from here." I reply.
"Sushi? Sushi? You think this is about sushi?" I wait a minute realising what I did. "Shit, I'm sorry! Its one of my favourite lines!" I shout trying to not let him tickle me. Perri laughs and starts pulling me by my leg, down the couch and towards him.
"Please don't, please don't, please don't!" I repeat.
"Too late.." He says and starts to tickle me and I feel like crying. He eventually stops after like 5 minutes of pure torture.
"I hate you." I say to him, trying to get my breath.
"No you don't." He says pulling me down to lie down on him.
"At this moment, yes I do." I say. He just laughs at me and let's me lie on his lap watching the rest of the film. He start playing with my hair and I soon stop him.
"Don't do that." I says, pulling his hand away from my head.
"Because, one, I really like it so stop and two, it makes me sleepy and we have to be a the studio soon." I say, trying to be clever.
"You make me laugh you." Perri says, giggling a little. He takes hold of my hand and starts playing with my fingers.
"What you doing?" I whisper, just loud enough from him to hear.
"Being cute." He replies. I can't help but smile at him. "Think we best get going." He continues.
"I wanna watch the rest of the film though!" I say, acting like a two year old again.
"You can later! Ash wants to teach you the dance!" Perri says lifting me up of the couch.
"Fine!" I say throwing my arms up in the air, pushing Perri out if the front door and locking it once I'm out.
When we get into the car, Perri puts the Mamma Mia soundtrack on.
"You are my favourite again." I say then start singing my heart out to every song. We soon arrive at the studio and when we walk in the boys look at me as if I have something on my face.
"What? I'm here, I'm not late." I say. "I wanna learn this dance."
"Okay then.." Ashley says. "I just need to go and get some things so 15 minute break guys!"
I take the opportunity to check my phone considering I haven't checked it for a few hours. I have a Instagram because someone has tagged me in a photo.
The picture is of me lying on Perri's lap and my hand is in the air with his hand playing with my fingers with the caption,
"Spending time with this little one is time well spent x"

This chapter is a two part one so I may update later on or tomorrow! Thank you again for reading! Let me know in the comments if you like the story because it helps me to write knowing that people are actually reading!

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